首页> 外文期刊>Annales de L'institut Henri Poincare >Local limits of large Galton-Watson trees rerooted at a random vertex

Local limits of large Galton-Watson trees rerooted at a random vertex


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We discuss various forms of convergence of the vicinity of a uniformly at random selected vertex in random simply generated trees, as the size tends to infinity. For the standard case of a critical Galton-Watson tree conditioned to be large the limit is the invariant random sin-tree constructed by Aldous (1991). In the condensation regime, we describe in complete generality the asymptotic local behaviour from a random vertex up to its first ancestor with large degree. Beyond this distinguished ancestor, different behaviour may occur, depending on the branching weights. In a subregime of complete condensation, we obtain convergence toward a novel limit tree, that describes the asymptotic shape of the vicinity of the full path from a random vertex to the root vertex. This includes the case where the offspring distribution follows a power law up to a factor that varies slowly at infinity.



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