首页> 外文期刊>Annals of Hematology >Sheehan’s syndrome with pancytopenia—complete recovery after hormone replacement (case series with review)

Sheehan’s syndrome with pancytopenia—complete recovery after hormone replacement (case series with review)


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Reports of pancytopenia in patients with Sheehan’s syndrome are rare, because the disorder is not commonly seen in western countries. A case series of pancytopenia in three patients of Sheehan’s syndrome is presented. Three women aged 22, 30, and 34 years developed Sheehan’s syndrome preceded by post partum hemorrhage. During investigations, they were found to have pancytopenia with hypocellular marrow. Treatment with thyroxine and glucocorticoids resulted in complete recovery after attaining euthyroid and eucortisolemic state. Review of literature revealed the rarity of the disorder, with only four cases reported so far. Multiple anterior pituitary hormone deficiencies in Sheehan’s syndrome are responsible for pancytopenia; replacement of thyroid and cortisol hormones results in complete recovery. Keywords Sheehan’s syndrome - Pancytopenia - Hypopituitarism - Post partum hemorrhage
机译:关于希恩氏综合征患者全血细胞减少症的报道很少,因为这种疾病在西方国家并不常见。介绍了3例希恩氏综合症患者的全血细胞减少症病例系列。三名22岁,30岁和34岁的女性在产后出血之前出现了希恩氏综合症。在调查过程中,他们被发现患有全血细胞减少症,伴有低细胞骨髓。在达到甲状腺功能正常和肾上腺皮质功能正常后,甲状腺素和糖皮质激素治疗可完全恢复。文献综述显示该疾病的罕见性,迄今为止仅报道了四例。 Sheehan综合征中存在多个垂体前叶激素缺乏症,导致全血细胞减少症。甲状腺和皮质醇激素的替代可以完全康复。希恩氏综合症-全血细胞减少症-垂体功能低下-产后出血



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