首页> 外文期刊>Annales Geophysicae >Simulations of resonant Alfven waves generated by artificial HF heating of the auroral ionosphere

Simulations of resonant Alfven waves generated by artificial HF heating of the auroral ionosphere


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Numerical two-dimensional two-fluid MHD simulations of dynamic magnetosphere-ionosphere (MI) coupling have been performed to model the effects imposed on the auroral ionosphere by a powerful HF radio wave transmitter. The simulations demonstrate that modifications of the ionospheric plasma temperature and recombination due to artificial heating may trigger the ionospheric feedback instability when the coupled MI system is close to the state of marginal stability. The linear dispersion analysis of MI coupling has been performed to find the favorable conditions for marginal stability of the system. The development of the ionospheric feedback instability leads to the generation of shear Alfven waves which resonate in the magnetosphere between the heated ionospheric E-region and the strong gradient in the Alfven speed at altitudes of 1-2 R_E . The application of the numerical results for the explanation of observations performed by low-orbiting satellites above the high-latitude ionosphere heated with a high power ground-based HF transmitter is discussed.
机译:动态磁层-电离层(MI)耦合的二维二维两流体MHD模拟已被执行,以通过强大的HF无线电波发射器对极光电离层施加的影响进行建模。仿真表明,当耦合的MI系统接近临界稳定状态时,由于人工加热而引起的电离层等离子体温度的变化和重组可能触发电离层反馈的不稳定性。已经进行了MI耦合的线性弥散分析,以找到系统边缘稳定性的有利条件。电离层反馈不稳定性的发展导致Alfven剪切波的产生,这些剪切Alfven波在加热的电离层E区和1-2 R_E高度Alfven速度的强梯度之间的磁层中共振。讨论了数值结果在解释高功率电离层高功率电离层上方的低轨道卫星所进行观测的应用。



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