首页> 外文期刊>Annales Geophysicae >Global observations of electromagnetic and particle energy flux for an event during northern winter with southward interplanetary magnetic field

Global observations of electromagnetic and particle energy flux for an event during northern winter with southward interplanetary magnetic field


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The response of the polar ionosphere-thermosphere (I-T) system to electromagnetic (EM) energy input is fundamentally different to that from particle precipitation. To understand the I-T response to polar energy input one must know the intensities and spatial distributions of both EM and precipitation energy deposition. Moreover, since individual events typically display behavior different from statistical models, it is important to observe the global system state for specific events. We present an analysis of an event in Northern Hemisphere winter for sustained southward interplanetary magnetic field (IMF), 10 January 2002, 10:00-12:00 UT, for which excellent observations are available from the constellation of Iridium satellites, the Super-DARN radar network, and the Far-Ultraviolet (FUV) instrument on the IMAGE satellite. Using data from these assets we determine the EM and particle precipitation energy fluxes to the Northern Hemisphere poleward of 60° MLAT and examine their spatial distributions and intensities. The accuracy of the global estimates are assessed quantitatively using comparisons with in-situ observations by DMSP along two orbit planes. While the location of EM power input evaluated from Iridium and SuperDARN data is in good agreement with DMSP, the magnitude estimated from DMSP observations is approximately four times larger. Corrected for this underestimate, the total EM power input to the Northern Hemisphere is 188GW. Comparison of IMAGE FUV-derived distributions of the particle energy flux with DMSP plasma data indicates that the IMAGE FUV results similarly locate the precipitation accurately while underestimating the precipitation input somewhat. The total particle input is estimated to be 20 GW, nearly a factor of ten lower than the EM input. We therefore expect the thermosphere response to be determined primarily by the EM input even under winter conditions, and accurate assessment of the EM energy input is therefore key to achieving a comprehensive understanding of the I-T system, particularly during active times when the energy input increases markedly and expands well equator-ward of nominal auroral latitudes.
机译:极地电离层-热层(I-T)系统对电磁(EM)能量输入的响应与粒子沉淀的响应从根本上不同。要了解I-T对极性能量输入的响应,必须了解EM和降水能量沉积的强度和空间分布。此外,由于单个事件通常显示与统计模型不同的行为,因此对于特定事件,观察全局系统状态非常重要。我们对北半球冬季持续南向星际磁场(IMF)的事件进行了分析,该事件发生于2002年1月10日,UT 10:00-12:00,从铱星(超级卫星)星座可以获得出色的观测结果DARN雷达网络,以及IMAGE卫星上的远紫外线(FUV)仪器。利用这些资产的数据,我们确定了EM和粒子降水能量通量向北半球60°MLAT的极点通向,并检查了它们的空间分布和强度。使用与DMSP沿两个轨道平面进行的实地观测的比较,对全球估算的准确性进行了定量评估。虽然从铱和SuperDARN数据评估的EM电源输入的位置与DMSP很好地吻合,但是从DMSP观测值估计的幅度大约是其四倍。经过低估之后,输入北半球的总EM功率为188GW。将IMAGE FUV派生的粒子能量通量分布与DMSP等离子体数据进行比较表明,IMAGE FUV结果类似地准确地确定了降水的位置,而略微低估了降水输入。估计总粒子输入为20 GW,比EM输入低近十倍。因此,我们期望即使在冬季条件下,热层响应也将主要由EM输入决定,因此准确评估EM能量输入对于全面理解IT系统至关重要,尤其是在能量输入显着增加的活动时间期间并扩大标称极光纬度的赤道方向。



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