首页> 外文期刊>Annales Geophysicae >Similarity and differences in morphology and mechanisms of the foF2 and TEC disturbances during the geomagnetic storms on 26-30 September 2011

Similarity and differences in morphology and mechanisms of the foF2 and TEC disturbances during the geomagnetic storms on 26-30 September 2011


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This study presents an analysis of the ground-based observations and model simulations of ionospheric electron density disturbances at three longitudinal sectors (eastern European, Siberian and American) during geomagnetic storms that occurred on 26-30 September 2011. We use the Global Self-consistent Model of the Thermosphere, Ionosphere and Protonosphere (GSM TIP) to reveal the main mechanisms influencing the storm-time behavior of the total electron content (TEC) and the ionospheric F2 peak critical frequency (foF2) during different phases of geomagnetic storms. During the storm's main phase the long-lasting positive disturbances in TEC and foF2 at sunlit mid-latitudes are mainly explained by the storm-time equatorward neutral wind. The effects of eastward electric field can only explain the positive ionospheric storm in the first few hours of the initial storm phase. During the main phase the ionosphere was more changeable than the plasmasphere. The positive disturbances in the electron content at the plasmaspheric heights (800-20 000 km) at high latitudes can appear simultaneously with the negative disturbances in TEC and foF2. The daytime positive disturbances in foF2 and TEC occurred at middle and low latitudes and at the Equator due to n(O) = n(N-2) enhancement during later stage of the main phase and during the recovery phase of the geomagnetic storm. The plasma tube diffusional depletion and negative disturbances in electron and neutral temperature were the main formation mechanisms of the simultaneous formation of the positive disturbances in foF2 and negative disturbances in TEC at low latitudes during the storm's recovery phase.
机译:这项研究提供了对2011年9月26日至30日发生的地磁风暴期间三个纵向扇区(东欧,西伯利亚和美国)电离层电子密度扰动的地面观测和模型模拟的分析。我们使用全球自洽揭示了在地磁风暴不同阶段影响总电子含量(TEC)和电离层F2峰值临界频率(foF2)的风暴时间行为的主要机理的热层,电离层和质子层模型(GSM TIP)。在暴风雨的主要阶段,日照中纬度地区TEC和foF2的长期正干扰主要由暴风雨时的赤道中性风解释。东电场的作用只能解释初始风暴阶段最初几个小时的电离层正风暴。在主相期间,电离层比等离子层更易变。在高纬度等离子层高度(800-20 000 km),电子含量的正干扰可能与TEC和foF2的负干扰同时出现。 foF2和TEC的白天正干扰发生在中低纬度和赤道,这是由于在主要阶段的后期和地磁风暴的恢复阶段,n(O)= n(N-2)增强。在风暴恢复阶段,低纬度同时形成foF2正干扰和TEC负干扰的主要形成机理是等离子体管扩散耗竭以及电子和中性温度的负干扰。



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