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Colour characteristics of the blunt egg pole: cues for recognition of parasitic eggs as revealed by reflectance spectrophotometry


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Variation in appearance of parasitic and host eggs is an essential trait in the coevolutionary struggle between a brood parasite and its host. Here we examined the role of colour characteristics in the egg recognition in blackcaps, Sylvia atricapilla, assessed by (1) human vision and (2) spectrophotometry, including UV wavelengths. Since colour and spotting pattern within eggs are often highly variable, we also assessed three different parts of blackcap eggshell separately. We investigated the possibility that a lower intraclutch variation in the parasitized clutch would positively affect egg recognition. In addition, we predicted that egg rejection would depend on contrast between host and parasitic eggs. However, we found that neither intraclutch variation nor mimicry if assessed by humans had significant effect on host rejection. Multivar-iate analyses of spectrophotometric data revealed, however, that the likelihood of egg rejection significantly increased with decreasing intraclutch variation in blue chroma. Furthermore, probability of egg rejection significantly increased with decreasing contrast between parasitic and host eggs in UV wavelengths and with decreasing brightness of host eggs at the blunt egg pole. Accepted foreign eggs were significantly darker at the blunt pole than acceptors' own eggs. The paradox that rejected eggs had lower contrast could be explained by the fact that the contrast in UV spectra is associated with brightness of the blunt egg part. Our data suggest that colour characteristics of the blunt egg part may play a major role in the recognition of parasitic eggs in the blackcaps.
机译:寄生卵和寄主卵外观的变化是育种寄生虫与其寄主之间共同进化过程中的一个基本特征。在这里,我们通过(1)人类的视力和(2)分光光度法(包括紫外线波长)评估了黑帽鸭(Sylvia atricapilla)在黑帽蛋识别中颜色特征的作用。由于鸡蛋中的颜色和斑点模式经常变化很大,因此我们还分别评估了黑帽蛋壳的三个不同部分。我们调查了寄生离合器中较低的离合器内离合器变化会积极影响卵识别的可能性。另外,我们预测卵的排斥将取决于宿主卵和寄生卵之间的对比度。但是,我们发现,如果通过人类评估,离合器内的变异或模仿都不会对宿主排斥产生显着影响。但是,分光光度数据的多变量分析显示,随着蓝色色度中离合器内变化的减少,鸡蛋排斥的可能性显着增加。此外,随着紫外线波长下寄生虫卵和宿主卵之间对比度的降低,以及钝卵极处宿主卵的亮度降低,拒卵的可能性显着增加。接受的外来鸡蛋在钝头处比接受者自己的鸡蛋暗得多。拒绝鸡蛋的反差率较低的悖论可以通过以下事实来解释:紫外线光谱中的对比度与钝鸡蛋部分的亮度有关。我们的数据表明,钝蛋部分的颜色特征可能在识别黑s中的寄生卵中起主要作用。



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