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Homing flights of pigeons in the Frankfurt region: the effect of distance and local experience


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In a meta-analysis, we analysed GPS-recorded tracks of homing pigeons, focusing on how initial behaviour and track structure change with increasing distance from the loft and on the effect of local experience. 'Points of Decision' divide the tracks into several phases, with the first marking the end of the initial phase, when the pigeon begins to leave the release site. With increasing distance, the number of Points of Decision increases significantly, whether pigeons are unfamiliar or familiar with the release site. In unfamiliar birds, the duration of the initial phase increases with increasing distance from the home loft, while agreement among birds decreases. These correlations with distance, not found in familiar birds, appear to reflect the necessity to interpret the still unfamiliar combination of 'map' factors. Pigeons starting a second time from a site take more time to leave and initially fly over a larger area, which we interpret as a procedure to integrate the respective site into their 'map'. When pigeons are released repeatedly from the same sites, the behaviour at the beginning of the flight does not change consistently, but there are fewer decision points and overall efficiency increases. The flight routes chosen by individuals continue to differ; route stereotypies, as described in the Oxford region, are not observed. This suggests loft-specific difference in the weighting and rating of navigational factors, probably caused by the availability and suitability of these factors in the respective regions. Our findings warn against simply transferring findings from one loft to another.
机译:在荟萃分析中,我们分析了GPS记录的归巢鸽子的轨迹,重点是初始行为和轨迹结构如何随着距鸽舍距离的增加以及本地经验的影响而变化。 “决定点”将赛道分为几个阶段,第一阶段标志着鸽子开始离开放飞场的初始阶段的结束。随着距离的增加,无论鸽子是不熟悉还是熟悉发布地点,决策点的数量都会大大增加。在不熟悉的家禽中,初始阶段的持续时间随着与家鸽舍距离的增加而增加,而家禽之间的一致性降低。这些与距离的相关性,在熟悉的鸟类中没有发现,似乎反映了解释“地图”因素仍然不熟悉的组合的必要性。从某个地点第二次出发的鸽子需要更多的时间离开并最初飞越更大的区域,我们将其解释为将各个地点整合到其“地图”中的过程。当鸽子从同一地点反复放飞时,飞行开始时的行为不会一直发生变化,但是决策点变少了,总体效率提高了。个人选择的飞行路线仍然不同;没有观察到牛津地区所描述的路线定型观念。这表明导航因素的权重和等级的特定鸽舍差异可能是由这些因素在各自区域的可用性和适用性引起的。我们的发现警告不要将发现从一个鸽舍转移到另一个。



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