首页> 外文期刊>Anesthesia Progress >Bispectral Index Monitoring (BIS) as a Guide for Intubation Without Neuromuscular Blockade in Office‐Based Pediatric General Anesthesia: A Retrospective Evaluation

Bispectral Index Monitoring (BIS) as a Guide for Intubation Without Neuromuscular Blockade in Office‐Based Pediatric General Anesthesia: A Retrospective Evaluation


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The Bispectral Index System is a useful guide for timing of adequate intubationnconditions in office-based pediatric general anesthesia without neuromuscularnblockade. As the number of cases in the office-based setting increase, manyclini-ncians opt to intubate patients without neuromuscular blockade to avoid airwayncomplications associated with skeletal muscle relaxation. Conventionally, thisntechnique is conducted using the traditional monitoring criteria of vitalsigns,nend-tidal inhalation agents, as well as anesthesiologist timing and knowledge ofnthe pharmacodynamics of the anesthetic agent to help determine the properndepth of anesthesia for adequate intubating conditions.This study retrospectivelynassesses the use of the Bispectral Index System (BIS) as a guide for timing ofnnonparalytic tracheal intubation in pediatric office-based general anesthesia. An-nesthetic records for 168 children, American Society of Anesthesiology physicalnstatus I and II, and ranging in age from18 months to17 years were retrospectivelynanalyzed. Intubation outcomes were based on 6 preset criteria to reflect the ade-nquacy of the technique. The mean BIS value during the time of intubation wasn34.7. There were no complications encountered. A BIS mean value of 34.7 pro-nvided adequate intubation conditions without muscle relaxation in office-basednpediatric anesthesia without complications.
机译:双光谱指数系统是在基于办公室的小儿全身麻醉中进行适当插管条件时机的有用指南,无神经肌肉阻滞剂。随着基于办公室的病例数的增加,许多临床医生选择对没有神经肌肉阻滞的患者进行插管,以避免与骨骼肌松弛相关的气道并发症。按照惯例,这项技术是根据生命体征,潮气吸入剂的传统监测标准以及麻醉学家的时机和麻醉剂的药效学知识来进行的,以帮助确定适当插管条件下麻醉的适当深度。本研究回顾性地评估了使用麻醉剂的情况。 Bispectral Index System(BIS)作为基于儿科办公室的全身麻醉中非麻痹性气管插管的时机指南。回顾性分析了168例儿童的麻醉记录,年龄从18个月到17岁不等。插管结果基于6个预设标准,以反映该技术的准确性。插管时的BIS平均值为n34.7。没有遇到并发症。在以办公室为基础的儿科麻醉中,BIS平均值为34.7,可提供足够的插管条件而不会出现肌肉松弛,而无并发症。



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