首页> 外文期刊>American Review of Canadian Studies >“American or Canadian”: Carol Shields's Geographical and Literary Border-Crossing

“American or Canadian”: Carol Shields's Geographical and Literary Border-Crossing

机译:“美国或加拿大”:卡罗尔·希尔兹(Carol Shields)的地理和文学跨界

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Carol Shields, one of Canada's and America's most popular and critically acclaimed writers, is the perfect example of the former permeability of the Canada-United States border. Born Carol Ann Warner in Oak Park, Illinois, in 1935, she married Canadian engineering student Donald Shields and immigrated with him to Canada in 1957, becoming a Canadian citizen in 1971. Between her immigration to Canada and her death nearly half a century later, Shields criss-crossed the 49th parallel - traditionally known as the world's longest undefended border, until 9/11 drastically changed travel - with ease. Her fictional characters cross the Canada-United States border with equal ease. Shields crosses borders not only literally, but also figuratively, as she travels from genre to genre with ease. Most famous for her fiction, Shields published in many genres, including poetry, drama, short stories, biography, and literary criticism, and she incorporates these other genres in her novels. Thus, Shields shows how art can cross borders with exemplary grace.
机译:卡罗尔·希尔兹(Carol Shields)是加拿大和美国最受欢迎和广受赞誉的作家之一,是加拿大和美国边境昔日通透性的完美典范。她于1935年在美国伊利诺伊州奥克帕克(Oak Park)出生,她嫁给了加拿大工程专业的学生唐纳德·希尔兹(Donald Shields),并于1957年与他移民到加拿大,并于1971年成为加拿大公民。希尔兹轻松穿越第49个平行线-传统上被称为世界上最长的不设防边界,直到9/11大幅改变行程。她的虚构人物同样轻松地穿越了加拿大和美国的边界。当Shields轻松地从一种流派转到另一种流派时,Shields不仅在字面上,而且在形象上也跨越了边界。希尔兹(Shields)以她的小说而闻名,她出版了许多流派,包括诗歌,戏剧,短篇小说,传记和文学评论,并将这些其他流派纳入了小说中。因此,希尔兹(Shields)展示了艺术如何以模范优雅的方式跨越国界。



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