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Board Casts Wary Eye At Washington


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Following a relatively successful session of the Texas Legislature for the oil and gas industry, board members of the Texas Alliance of Energy Producers are guardedly optimistic about the modest recovery from the 2008-09 price slide, says Alliance President Alex Mills.rnBut that optimism is tempered by congressional debate about possibly eliminating exploration and production tax incentives, Mills adds.rn"Higher oil prices are benefiting us this fall, but the proposed elimination on the federal level of expensing for intangible drilling costs and removing the deduction for percentage depletion could potentially kill the domestic industry," Mills asserts. "Independents need to be able to raise capital. We need tax incentives to help attract outside investors and offset business risks. I think we have a 50-50 chance of holding onto percentage depletion and IDCs."
机译:联盟主席亚历克斯·米尔斯说,在得克萨斯州立法机关针对石油和天然气行业的一次相对成功的会议之后,得克萨斯州能源生产商联盟的董事会成员对从2008-09年价格下滑的温和复苏持谨慎乐观的态度。 Mills补充说,受到国会关于可能取消勘探和生产税激励措施的辩论的抑制,“今年秋天较高的石油价格使我们受益,但在联邦一级取消拟议的无形钻探费用支出并取消对消耗百分比的扣除的提议可能杀死国内产业,”米尔斯断言。 “独立人士必须能够筹集资金。我们需要税收激励措施,以帮助吸引外部投资者并抵消商业风险。我认为,我们有50-50的机会来控制百分比损耗和IDC。”



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