首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Epidemiology >Helmet Use and Risk of Neck Injury in Skiers and Snowboarders

Helmet Use and Risk of Neck Injury in Skiers and Snowboarders


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In a case-control study, the authors examined the relation between helmet use and neck injury among Que ´bec,nCanada, skiers and snowboarders using 10 years of ski patrol data (1995–1996 to 2004–2005). Cases werendefined as persons with any neck injury (n ¼ 2,986), an isolated neck injury requiring ambulance evacuationn(n ¼ 522), or a cervical spine fracture or dislocation (n ¼ 318). The control group included persons with non-head,nnon-neck injuries (n ¼ 97,408) in an unmatched analysis. The authors also matched cases with controls injured atnthe same ski area, during the same activity (skiing vs. snowboarding), and during the same season. Helmet usenwas the primary exposure variable. For the unmatched analysis, the authors used unconditional logistic regressionnand adjusted for clustering by ski area and other covariates. They used conditional logistic regression for thenmatched analysis. Multiple imputation was used to address missing values. The adjusted odds ratio was 1.09 (95%nconfidence interval (CI): 0.95, 1.25) for any neck injury, 1.28 (95%CI: 0.96, 1.71) for isolated ambulance-evacuatednneck injuries, and 1.02 (95%CI: 0.79, 1.31) for cervical spine fractures or dislocations. Similar results were found innthe conditional logistic regression analysis and in analyses restricted to children under age 11 years. These resultsndo not suggest that helmets increase the risk of neck injuries among skiers and snowboarders.
机译:在一项病例对照研究中,作者使用10年的滑雪巡逻数据(1995-1996年至2004-2005年)研究了加拿大魁北克,滑雪者和单板滑雪者的头盔使用与脖子伤害之间的关系。病例被定义为没有任何颈部损伤(n = 2,986),需要救护车撤离的孤立性颈部损伤(n = 522)或颈椎骨折或脱位(n = 318)。对照组包括在无与伦比的分析中非头部,非颈部损伤的人(n¼97,408)。作者还对在同一滑雪区域,同一活动(滑雪与单板滑雪)以及同一季节受伤的对照组病例进行了匹配。头盔使用是主要的暴露变量。对于无与伦比的分析,作者使用无条件逻辑回归,并根据滑雪面积和其他协变量对聚类进行了调整。他们使用条件逻辑回归进行匹配分析。多重插补用于解决缺失值。对于任何颈部损伤,调整后的优势比为1.09(95%n置信区间(CI):0.95、1.25);对于单独的救护车撤离的颈部损伤,校正后的优势比为1.28(95%CI:0.96、1.71),以及1.02(95%CI:0.79), 1.31)用于颈椎骨折或脱位。在条件逻辑回归分析和仅限于11岁以下儿童的分析中也发现了类似的结果。这些结果并不能说明头盔会增加滑雪者和单板滑雪者颈部受伤的风险。



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