首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Epidemiology >Mortality Among Young Injection Drug Users in San Francisco: A 10-Year Follow-up of the UFO Study

Mortality Among Young Injection Drug Users in San Francisco: A 10-Year Follow-up of the UFO Study


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This study examined associations between mortality and demographic and risk characteristics among young injection drug users in San Francisco, California, and compared the mortality rate with that of the population. A total of 644 young (<30 years) injection drug users completed a baseline interview and were enrolled in a prospective cohort study, known as the UFO (“U Find Out”) Study, from November 1997 to December 2007. Using the National Death Index, the authors identified 38 deaths over 4,167 person-years of follow-up, yielding a mortality rate of 9.1 (95% confidence interval: 6.6, 12.5) per 1,000 person-years. This mortality rate was 10 times that of the general population. The leading causes of death were overdose (57.9%), self-inflicted injury (13.2%), trauma/accidents (10.5%), and injection drug user-related medical conditions (13.1%). Mortality incidence was significantly higher among those who reported injecting heroin most days in the past month (adjusted hazard ratio = 5.8, 95% confidence interval: 1.4, 24.3). The leading cause of death in this group was overdose, and primary use of heroin was the only significant risk factor for death observed in the study. These findings highlight the continued need for public health interventions that address the risk of overdose in this population in order to reduce premature deaths.
机译:这项研究调查了加利福尼亚州旧金山市年轻注射吸毒者的死亡率与人口统计学和风险特征之间的关联,并将死亡率与人口死亡率进行了比较。从1997年11月至2007年12月,共有644名年轻(<30岁)注射吸毒者完成了一次基线访谈,并参加了一项前瞻性队列研究,即UFO(“ U Find Out”)研究。索引显示,作者在4167人年的随访中发现38例死亡,每1000人年的死亡率为9.1(95%置信区间:6.6、12.5)。该死亡率是普通人群的10倍。死亡的主要原因是服药过量(57.9%),自残伤害(13.2%),外伤/意外事故(10.5%)和与吸毒者有关的医疗状况(13.1%)。在过去一个月中多数天报告注射海洛因的人群中,死亡率显着更高(调整后的危险比= 5.8,95%置信区间:1.4,24.3)。该组的主要死亡原因是服药过量,海洛因的首次使用是该研究中观察到的唯一重要的死亡危险因素。这些发现凸显了继续需要公共卫生干预措施,以解决该人群服药过量的风险,以减少过早死亡。



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