首页> 外文期刊>The American Journal of Economics and Sociology >Celebrating Irving Fisher: The Legacy of a Great Economist

Celebrating Irving Fisher: The Legacy of a Great Economist


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Irving Fisher made seminal contributions across an astonishing spectrum of economic science: monetary policy rules, the neoclassical theory of capital and interest, expected inflation as the difference between real and nominal interest, the Fisher "ideal" index number, indexed bonds, correlation analysis, distributed lags, the "Phillips curve," the debt-deflation process, taxing consumption rather than income, the value of human capital and improvement in health, even the computation of general equilibrium. On May 8 and 9, 1998, economists gathered at Fisher's university, Yale, to celebrate his contributions and to examine themes in economics suggested by his work. The publication of William Barber's 14-volume edition of The Works of Irving Fisher in 1997, the 50th anniversary of Fisher's death, provided a suitable occasion for reflecting on Fisher's legacy and inspiration for economics. This volume contains revised versions of the papers and comments presented on that occasion, together with other writings on Fisher by James Tobin.
机译:欧文·费舍尔(Irving Fisher)在一系列惊人的经济科学领域做出了开创性的贡献:货币政策规则,新古典主义的资本与利息理论,预期通货膨胀率(即实际和名义利息之间的差额),费舍尔“理想”指数值,指数债券,相关性分析分布滞后,“菲利普斯曲线”,债务通缩过程,对消费而非收入征税,人力资本价值和健康状况的改善,甚至是一般均衡的计算。 1998年5月8日至9日,经济学家聚集在费舍尔耶鲁大学,庆祝他的贡献并研究他的工作提出的经济学主题。威廉·巴伯(William Barber)1997年出版的14卷版的《欧文·费舍尔的作品》是费舍尔去世50周年,这是反思费舍尔的遗产和经济学灵感的合适时机。该书卷包含当时发表的论文和评论的修订版,以及詹姆斯·托宾(James Tobin)在费舍尔(Fisher)上的其他著作。



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