首页> 外文期刊>The American Journal of Economics and Sociology >Measuring The Returns To Networking And The Accumulation Of Social Capital any Evidence Of Bonding, Bridging, Or Linking?

Measuring The Returns To Networking And The Accumulation Of Social Capital any Evidence Of Bonding, Bridging, Or Linking?


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investment in bonding, bridging, and linking networks. These measures, together with other socioeconomic indicators, are used as explanatory factors in wage equations, estimated using ordered probit, OLS, and instrumental variable approaches. We are unable to identify any consistent returns from investment in bonding and bridging networks. In contrast, the evidence suggests that any returns to investment in the development of linking social capital simply derive from the positive signals that group membership may transmit to potential employers. Our results underline the contrast between studies that consider social capital as an attribute of communities, as opposed to individuals, in that we find a negative return to social activity at the level of the individual.



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