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Using Google Scholar to Determine the Most Cited Criminology and Criminal Justice-Related Books


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Building on recent research investigating the role of books in the discipline of criminology and criminal justice (C/CJ), this paper uses Google Scholar to identify the most cited books in the field. In particular, the researchers examined the most cited books in four different eras. Prior to1900, the most cited C/CJ-related book was On the Origin of Species. Merton’s Social Theory and Social Structure was the most cited book in the second era (1900–1949). The third era (1950–1999) produced the most cited work in the study, Foucault’s Discipline & Punish. And in the final era (2000 to present), Garland’s Culture of Control was the most cited work. The researchers also sought to determine the most cited books by women and African Americans/Blacks. The most cited book by a female author was Judith Herman’s Trauma and Recovery, and the most cited book by an African American/Black scholar was William Julius Wilson’s The Truly Disadvantaged. The authors conclude by arguing for the continued emphasis on demarcating the “great books” in the discipline.
机译:在对书籍在犯罪学和刑事司法(C / CJ)领域的作用进行调查的最新研究的基础上,本文使用Google学术搜索来确定该领域引用最多的书籍。研究人员尤其考察了四个不同时代引用最多的书籍。 1900年之前,与C / CJ相关的文章最多被引用为《物种起源》。默顿的《社会理论和社会结构》是第二个时代(1900-1949年)被引用最多的书。第三阶段(1950–1999年)是福柯的《纪律与惩罚》研究中被引用次数最多的作品。在最后一个时代(2000年至今),加兰的控制文化是被引用最多的作品。研究人员还试图确定女性和非裔美国人/黑人引用最多的书。女作家引用最多的书是朱迪思·赫尔曼(Judith Herman)的《创伤与康复》,非裔美国人/黑人学者引用最多的书是威廉·朱利叶斯·威尔逊(William Julius Wilson)的《真正的弱者》。作者的结论是主张继续强调划定该学科中的“大书”。



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