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Why Do IS Scholars Cite Other Scholars? An Empirical Analysis of the Direct and Moderating Effects of Cooperation and Competition among IS Scholars on Individual Citation Behavior

机译:为什么IS学者引用其他学者? IS学者合作与竞争对个人引文行为的直接和调节作用的实证分析



Employing a theoretical framework based on social capital theory, we conceptualize previous citations by author A of author B as weak cooperation that indicates cognitive capital between these authors, and previous coauthorships between them as strong cooperation that captures relational capital between them. We propose that these two types of cooperation impact the citation behavior of author A. We also propose that competition between two authors arising from their affiliation similarity moderates the impact of both the strong and weak cooperation on individual citation behavior. Using a sample of all the 1034 authors who published papers in 10 premier IS journals in 2011, and their previous citation and coauthorship network data from 2006-2011, we found that the frequencies of previous citations and coauthorships are related to current citations, as hypothesized. Further, as hypothesized, these positive associations are weakened when the citing and cited authors have the same institutional affiliation.
机译:利用基于社会资本理论的理论框架,我们将作者B的作者A先前的引用概念化为弱合作,表明这些作者之间的认知资本,而他们之间的先前合著则是捕获他们之间关系资本的强合作。我们建议这两种类型的合作会影响作者A的引文行为。我们还建议,两位作者之间因亲缘关系相似而产生的竞争会减弱强弱合作对个人引文行为的影响。使用2011年在10种主要IS期刊上发表论文的所有1034位作者的样本,以及他们之前2006-2011年的引文和合著者网络数据,我们发现,如前所述,先前的引文和合著次数与当前的引文有关。 。此外,如假设的那样,当引用作者和被引作者具有相同的机构隶属关系时,这些积极的联系就会减弱。



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