首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Botany >Artificial hybridization in the Hawaiian endemic genus Labordia (Loganiaceae)

Artificial hybridization in the Hawaiian endemic genus Labordia (Loganiaceae)


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Cross-pollinations were performed within and among eight species of Labordia from Oahu, Molokai, and Hawaii, and one species from Guam of the closely related genus Geniostoma. Detailed floral examination confirmed that the species are functionally dioecious, i.e., a given individual lacks either ovules or pollen grains. Female inflorescences bagged to prevent pollination never produced seed, but intraspecific crosses between male and female individuals nearly always yielded fruits with viable seed (>80%). Interspecific crosses between species from different islands and separate taxonomic sections of the genus also yielded good fruit set (>55%). Interspecific F1 hybrids were vigorous and appeared to be morphologically intermediate to their parents. Intergeneric crosses between Geniostoma and Labordia failed. Chromosome counts from Labordia species were found to be 2n = 80 or 2n =~80, twice the chromosome complement of two collections examined from its postulated ancestor, Geniostoma rupestre. Labordia species are distinct morphologically, ecologically, and geographically but apparently lack genetic barriers to interbreeding. This suggests that geographical and ecological isolation, recentness of colonization, and/or rapid speciation have been important factors in the origin of species of Labordia.
机译:异花授粉在瓦胡岛,莫洛凯岛和夏威夷的8种 Labordia物种和紧密相关的Geniostoma属的关岛1种物种之间进行。详细的花卉检查证实了 该物种在功能上是雌雄异体的,即给定的个体 没有胚珠或花粉粒。包装成 的雌花防止授粉从未产生种子,但是 雄性和雌性个体之间的种内杂交几乎总是产生具有可行种子的果实 (> 80% )。来自不同岛屿的物种之间的种间杂交以及 属的单独分类学部分也产生了良好的坐果率(sup> (> 55%)。种间F1杂种很活跃,在形态上似乎是其父本的中间。 Geniostoma和Labordia之间的属间杂交 失败。发现来自Labordia 物种的染色体计数为2n = 80或2n =〜80,是从其假定祖先 补体的两倍。 sup>卢氏雌激素。苦属物种在形态上,生态上和地理上都明显不同,但显然缺乏 杂交的遗传障碍。这表明地理和生态隔离, 定居的最新性和/或快速的物种形成已经成为Labordia物种起源的重要 因素。



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