首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Botany >Phylogenetic study of Fulgensia and allied Caloplaca and Xanthoria species (Teloschistaceae, lichen-forming ascomycota)

Phylogenetic study of Fulgensia and allied Caloplaca and Xanthoria species (Teloschistaceae, lichen-forming ascomycota)


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Fulgensia Massal. & De Not. is a widespread genus with considerable morphological and ecological heterogeneity across species. For this reason, the taxonomic delimitation of this genus has been controversial. Relationships among species of Fulgensia, Caloplaca Th. Fr., and Xanthoria (Fr.) Th. Fr. (Lecanorales) were investigated based on a comprehensive phylogenetic analysis of 62 DNA sequences from the nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region using maximum parsimony (MP) and likelihood (ML). Ambiguously aligned (INAASE coded characters) and unambiguous regions were analyzed separately and combined when using MP as the optimization criterion. All our analyses confirm the polyphyly of this genus as three distinct lineages: Fulgensia sensu stricto, F. australis, and F. schistidii. We report here that Caloplaca, Fulgensia, and Xanthoria together form two main sister lineages. One lineage includes Fulgensia schistidii (part of the C. saxicola group), Xanthoria, and most of the lobed Caloplaca species belonging to the Gasparrinia group. A second main lineage comprises the remaining Caloplaca species, Fulgensia sensu stricto, and F. australis. Therefore, the traditional generic level classification schemes for the family Teloschistaceae appear to be highly artificial. All three genera were found to be nonmonophyletic. We demonstrate here that the ITS is appropriate to resolve relationships across the Teloschistaceae. However, a combination of an MP analysis, in which ambiguously aligned regions are accommodated using INAASE, with an ML analysis, in which phylogenetic confidence is estimated using a Bayesian approach, is needed.
机译:弗尔根西亚(Fulgensia)惨案。 &De Not。是一个广泛的属,物种间在形态学和生态学上具有相当大的异质性。由于 的这个原因,该属的分类划界引起了争议[sup> 。苜蓿,卡洛普莱卡 Th物种之间的关系。和Xanthoria(Fr.)Th。神父(Lecanorales)在最大系统简约的基础上,对来自核糖体内部转录间隔区(ITS) 区域的62条DNA序列 进行了全面的系统发育分析,研究了(Lecanorales) (MP)和可能性(ML)。当使用MP作为优化标准时,分别对 对齐的(INAASE编码字符)和明确区域进行了 进行分析和合并。我们所有的分析都证实了 属的多重性是三个不同的谱系:森氏短吻镰刀菌,南方镰刀菌, 和血吸虫。我们在这里报告Caloplaca,Fulgensia, 和Xanthoria一起形成了两个主要的姐妹血统。其中一个世系 包括Fulgensia schistidii(C。saxicola组的一部分), Xanthoria和大部分属于 的鳞片Caloplaca物种。 。第二个主要谱系包括 剩余的Caloplaca物种,Fulgensia sensu stricto和F. australis。因此,端粒线虫科的传统通用分类方法似乎是高度人工的。 发现这三个属都是非单性的。我们在这里证明 ,ITS适用于解决跨 端粒科的关系。但是,将MP分析( )(其中使用 INAASE包含歧义对齐的区域)与ML分析(系统进化信心 )相结合的组合需要使用贝叶斯方法进行估计。



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