
Digital calculation of network functions used in loss formula studies


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A complete matrix of self and mutual drops, with respect to a single reference point, will completely describe the constraints of a network as far as the significant points are concerned. Thus, these drops are a useful tool in the solution of network problems and have long been recognized as such. Previous to the days of the a-c network calculator, they were in widespread use for the calculation of losses, regulation short-circuit currents, etc. With the advent of the loss formula,1 these drops assumed a new role. Ironically the a-c network calculator, which once subjugated these drops to a relatively minor role, now permitted their economical use by providing a means of obtaining them by direct measurement. For some time now the network calculator has been used quite widely to determine these drops; however, this method still involved considerable time and patience, and there was a serious question as to whether the accuracy obtained was sufficient for all purposes.



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