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Fibromyalgia Remains a Controversial Medical Enigma/IN REPLY


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In a double-blind trial comparing duloxetine with placebo, patients taking duloxetine measured significantly better on the Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire (FIQ) total score, but there was no difference on the FIQ subscales of pain, fatigue, or morning fatigue.4 As pain is the major clinical feature of fibromyalgia, it is not clear how the authors defined effectiveness. Family physicians also should consider vitamin D deficiency when evaluating patients with diffuse truncal pain.1-3 Vitamin D deficiency is common in N north America because of inadequate sun exposure (especially for those who live above 39 degrees of latitude) and intake.n8 As mentioned above, readers should understand that this article does not constitute a practice guideline. Administration of cytochrome (CYP) P450 2D6-inhibiting drugs increases the risk of adverse reactions, especially in patients taking certain medications; physicians prescribing any medication should be aware of the dosage, indications, interactions, and adverse effects of the medications used and should weigh the risks and benefits before prescribing the medication. A Cochrane Review on antidepressant and centrally active agents for the treatment of fibromyalgia is currently in progress.9 We thank Dr. Richardson for his excellent point about considering Vitamin D deficiency in the differential diagnosis of patients with fibromyalgia.
机译:在一项将度洛西汀与安慰剂进行比较的双盲试验中,服用度洛西汀的患者在纤维肌痛影响问卷(FIQ)总评分上得分明显更高,但疼痛,疲劳或早晨疲劳的FIQ分量表没有差异。4纤维肌痛的主要临床特征尚不清楚作者如何定义疗效。家庭医生还应在评估弥漫性躯干性疼痛的患者时考虑维生素D缺乏症。1-3维生素D缺乏症在北美洲北部很常见,原因是阳光暴露(尤其是生活在纬度39度以上的人群)和摄入量不足。上文提到的读者应该理解,本文并不构成实践准则。给予细胞色素(CYP)P450 2D6抑制药物会增加不良反应的风险,尤其是在服用某些药物的患者中;处方任何药物的医师应了解所用药物的剂量,适应症,相互作用和不良反应,并应在处方药物之前权衡其风险和益处。目前正在对抗抑郁药和中枢活性剂进行纤维肌痛治疗进行Cochrane评论。9我们感谢理查森博士在考虑维生素D缺乏症对纤维肌痛患者进行鉴别诊断中的出色表现。



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