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A new approach to risk-spreading via coverage-expansion subsidies


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The persistently large number of uninsured, roughly 40 million per year since 1993, continues to elicit bipartisan policy interest. Coverage-expansion proposals without mandates, by far the most common since the defeat of the Clinton plan, must address risk-pooling realities in private markets. Insurers have strong financial incentives to segment risks and minimize pooling of heterogeneous risks, and narrow risk-pooling will diminish the adequacy of premium subsidies based on income alone, at least for higher-risk individuals. The current debate over flat tax credits and the non-group market is a case in point (Blumberg, 2001; Center for Studying Health System Change, 2002; Jack Hadley and James D. Reschovsky, 2002). We, along with nine other teams, were asked to develop a proposal that would expand coverage in a large and creative way (see Holahan et al., 2001). The proposal we developed would subsidize lowincome individuals and families but also addresses the issue of inefficient and inequitable risk-pooling.
机译:自1993年以来,每年仍有大量未投保的保险,大约每年4000万,继续引起两党对政策的兴趣。自从克林顿计划失败以来,迄今最普遍的无授权扩展覆盖范围的提案必须解决私人市场中的风险分担现实。保险公司有强大的财务动机来分割风险并最大程度地减少异构风险的汇集,而狭窄的风险分担将减少仅基于收入的保费补贴的充足性,至少对于高风险个人而言是如此。当前关于统一税收抵免和非团体市场的争论就是一个恰当的例子(Blumberg,2001;研究卫生系统变化的中心,2002; Jack Hadley和James D. Reschovsky,2002)。我们与其他9个团队一起被要求制定一项提案,以大而有创意的方式扩大覆盖范围(参见Holahan等,2001)。我们提出的提案将补贴低收入的个人和家庭,但也解决了效率低下和不公平的风险分担问题。



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