
Optimal defaults


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Default options have an enormous impact on household "choices." Such effects are documented in the literature on 401(k) plans (see Madrian and Dennis Shea, 2001; Choi et al., 2002, 2003b). Defaults affect 401(k) participation, savings rates, rollovers, and asset allocation. For example, when employees are automatically enrolled in their 401(k) plan, only a tiny fraction opt out, producing nearly 100-percent enrollment. But when employees are not automatically enrolled, less than half enroll on their own during their first year of employment. Defaults matter for three key reasons modeled in this paper. First, acts of commission (e.g., opting out of a default) are costly. Second, these costs vary over time, generating an option value of waiting for a low-cost period to opt out. Third, people are susceptible to procrastination. Even if they want to make a change, they have a tendency to delay that change longer than they should. These three effects imply that the choice of defaults can have significant welfare consequences.
机译:默认选项对家庭“选择”产生巨大影响。在401(k)计划的文献中记录了这种影响(参见Madrian和Dennis Shea,2001; Choi等,2002,2003b)。默认设置会影响401(k)的参与度,储蓄率,展期和资产分配。例如,当员工自动加入其401(k)计划时,只有一小部分选择退出,从而产生近100%的注册率。但是,当员工没有自动注册时,在工作的第一年中只有不到一半的员工自己注册。默认值很重要,原因是本文建模的三个关键原因。首先,佣金行为(例如,选择违约)是昂贵的。其次,这些成本会随着时间而变化,从而产生了等待低成本期退出的期权价值。第三,人们容易拖延。即使他们想要进行更改,他们也倾向于将更改延迟的时间比应有的更长。这三个影响意味着违约的选择会产生重大的福利后果。



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