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Profiling and the Insider Threat: International Perspectives


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With the issue of profiling and insider employee threats in the headlines here in the U.S., what are the impacts internationally? How does the international community view attacks such as the plot to blow up the fuel farm at Kennedy International Airport, or the attempted suicide bombing on the Glasgow Airport, and how do international airports compare with U.S. airports in terms of security compliance? "Everyone still realizes that aviation is and will continue to be a target," said Steve Dunlap, director of security, North America, IATA. "We have to continue to be flexible in our security procedures, but there is a fundamental difference in the way Europe responds to a threat versus the U.S. Europe is very pragmatic—when the Glasgow attack occurred, there was an attitude of 'let's clean it up and keep going.'" When incidents like the Glasgow attack and the fuel farm threat occur, the U.S. tends to use those incidents to write new regulations and try to figure out how they can be prevented.
机译:在美国的头条新闻中,有关于概要分析和内部员工威胁的问题,国际影响是什么?国际社会如何看待诸如炸毁肯尼迪国际机场加油站的阴谋或在格拉斯哥机场进行自杀式炸弹袭击的袭击?国际机场在安全合规方面如何与美国机场进行比较?国际航空运输协会(IATA)北美安全总监史蒂夫•邓拉普(Steve Dunlap)说:“每个人仍然意识到,航空业将继续成为目标。 “我们必须继续在安全程序上保持灵活性,但是欧洲对美国的反应方式与美国存在根本差异。欧洲非常务实。当发生格拉斯哥袭击时,人们会保持'清白'的态度。 “”,当发生格拉斯哥袭击和加油站威胁之类的事件时,美国倾向于利用这些事件来编写新的法规,并试图找出如何预防这些法规。



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