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NSR Reform Revisited: Pollution Control Projects Following the DC Circuit Court's Decision and NSR Reform Rule Netting


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The June 24, 2005 decision by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit (DC Circuit Court) upheld the majority of the EPA new source review (NSR) rule revisions that had been promulgated December 31, 2002. However, two of the provisions were vacated by the court: the clean unit provisions and the exclusion for pollution control projects (PCPs). The PCP exclusion was vacated from both the 2002 reform rule-making and the July 21, 1992 "WEPCO" rule, primarily due to concern about collateral emissions (e.g., an increase in sulfur dioxide [SO_2] from incineration of sulfides, or an increase in nitrogen oxides [NO_x] due to incineration of volatile organic compounds [VOCs]). The court's decision also, presumably, struck down EPA's July 1, 1994 policy memorandum that allowed the PCP exemption to be granted to any source meeting specified criteria (as detailed in the memorandum).
机译:美国上诉法院针对哥伦比亚特区巡回法院(DC Circuit Court)于2005年6月24日作出的裁决,维持了2002年12月31日颁布的大多数EPA新来源审查(NSR)规则修订。但是,其中两个法院撤消了这些规定:清洁单位的规定和污染控制项目的排除。将PCP排除在2002年改革规则制定和1992年7月21日“ WEPCO”规则之外,主要是因为担心附带排放(例如,焚化硫化物导致二氧化硫[SO_2]的增加或增加)由于挥发性有机化合物[VOCs]的焚烧而在氮氧化物[NO_x]中的残留。法院的判决可能还推翻了EPA 1994年7月1日的政策备忘录,该备忘录允许对符合指定标准的任何来源授予PCP豁免(如备忘录中所述)。



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