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Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) has been the chief opponent in Congress when it comes to the Air Force's attempt to aquire new aerial refueling aircraft. Now he may be taking aim at USAF's top-priority F/A-22 fighter. In an April 11 appearance on NBC's "Meet the Press," McCain shook up USAF leaders with what sounded like the opening shot in a crusade against the F/A-22. McCain said the US will have to expand the size of the Army, and Marine Corps if it wants to achieve its objectives in Iraq. To pay for it, he said, "we may have to make some tough choices." He went on to say, "We may have to cancel this airplane that's going to cost between $250 million and $300 million a copy." The Senator did not identify the aircraft, but a McCain spokesperson confirmed he was referring to the F/A-22. The figure quoted by McCain includes money spent on research, development, and tooling- basically, the sunk cost. The Air Force says the per copy flyaway cost of each new aircraft, if the service buys 200 or more, is about $120 million. The price will be lower still if the service succeeds in obtaining further cost efficiencies in production.
机译:在空军试图购买新的空中加油机方面,参议员约翰·麦凯恩(R-Ariz。)一直是国会的主要对手。现在他可能瞄准美国空军最优先的F / A-22战斗机。麦凯恩在4月11日在美国全国广播公司(NBC)的“遇见媒体”上露面时,震惊了美国空军领导人,听起来像是对F / A-22的十字军东征。麦凯恩说,如果要实现在伊拉克的目标,美国将不得不扩大陆军和海军陆战队的规模。他说,要为此付出代价,“我们可能必须做出一些艰难的选择。”他接着说:“我们可能不得不取消这架成本在每架2.5亿美元至3亿美元之间的飞机。”参议员没有识别飞机,但是麦凯恩发言人证实他指的是F / A-22。麦凯恩引用的数字包括用于研究,开发和工具的资金,基本上是沉没成本。空军说,每架新飞机的复制费用(如果该服务购买200架或更多)约为1.2亿美元。如果该服务成功地提高了生产效率,那么价格将更低。



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