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The Limits of Outsourcing


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Vince Gasaway, Air Force deputy chief of competitive sourcing and privatization, did some quick math when he was asked how much money can be saved by opening service jobs to private sector competition. He came up with a dollar figure, but he then thought the better of it and said only that the Air Force would cut the cost of doing that work by at least 25 percent. "If I give you dollar figure," he said, "then the [Pentagon] comptroller will say, 'Where is that in the budget?'" As the remark suggests, there are no easy or safe answers when it comes to the status of Air Force efforts to save money by opening tens of thousands of jobs to commercial competition. At present, USAF comprises 359,000 active duty airmen and 165,500 civilian workers. The stakes are high for the Air Force, which expects to evaluate 51, 500 jobs for possible outsourcing by decade's end. If this move produces monetary savings, the service would be in a position to finance new personnel spaces in areas of Shortage, such as security police, intelligence specialises, and combat controllers.
机译:空军竞争性采购和私有化副负责人文斯·加萨维(Vince Gasaway)在被问到通过向私营部门竞争开放服务职位可以节省多少资金时,做了一些快速数学运算。他想出了一个美元的数字,但随后他想到了一个更好的数字,只说空军将这项工作的成本削减了至少25%。他说:“如果我给你美元的数字,那么[五角大楼]主计长会说,'预算在哪里?'”正如评论所暗示的那样,对于这种状况,没有简单或安全的答案。空军通过为商业竞争提供数万个工作岗位来节省资金的努力。目前,美国空军包括359,000名现役飞行员和165,500名文职人员。空军的赌注很高,预计到十年末,空军将评估51,500个可能外包的工作岗位。如果此举节省了金钱,则该服务将能够为短缺地区的新人员空间提供资金,例如安全警察,情报专家和作战控制员。



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