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An MC-130H Combat Talon Il spe-cial operations aircraft on March 31 crashed in Albania, killing nine airmen. The crash occurred during a nighttime training mission in a remote, mountainous region about 35 miles southeast of Tirana, the capital of Albania, according to a USAF news release. The aircraft was assigned to the 352nd Special Operations Group, based at RAF Mildenhall, Britain. Eight of the airmen were with the 352nd SOG's 7th Special Operations Squadron and one with the 25th Intelligence Operations Squadron. The airmen were: Capt. Todd Bracy, 34, of Murphysboro, Ill.; Capt. James Cronin, 32, Elk Grove Village, Ill.; TSgt. James Henry, 30, Valparaiso, Fla.; Capt. Surender Kothakota, 30, Fayetteville, N.C.; CMSgt. Lawrence Gray, 40, Chester, S.C.; TSgt. Glenn Lastes, 39, Southington, Conn.; SSgt. Patrick Pentico, 32, Hanksville, Utah; and Capt. Gil Williamson, 31, Dike, Tex. US and Albanian rescue crews assisted in the recovery operation. The Combat Talon Il aircraft was participating in joint training with the Albanian military when it went down. Officials are investigating the cause of the accident.
机译:3月31日,一架MC-130H战斗塔隆Il特种作战飞机在阿尔巴尼亚坠毁,炸死9名飞行员。根据美国空军的新闻稿,坠机事故发生在夜间训练任务中,发生在阿尔巴尼亚首都地拉那东南约35英里的偏远山区。该飞机被分配到位于英国皇家空军米尔登霍尔市的第352特种作战小组。第352特种部队第7特种作战中队的8名飞行员和第25情报作战中队的1名飞行员。飞行员是:伊利诺伊州墨菲斯伯勒的34岁的托德·布雷西上尉;伊利诺伊州埃尔克格罗夫村32岁的詹姆斯·克罗宁上尉; TSgt。 30岁的詹姆斯·亨利(James Henry),佛罗里达州瓦尔帕莱索; Surender Kothakota上尉,30,北卡罗莱纳州费耶特维尔; CMSgt。劳伦斯·格雷(Lawrence Gray),现年40岁,切斯特,南卡罗来纳州; TSgt。康涅狄格州索灵顿,39岁的Glenn Lastes; SSgt。 32岁的帕特里克·彭蒂科(Patrick Pentico),犹他州汉克斯维尔;美国得克萨斯州迪克市31岁的吉尔·威廉姆森上尉和美国和阿尔巴尼亚的救援人员协助了恢复行动。 Talon Il战斗机坠落时正在与阿尔巴尼亚军方进行联合训练。官员正在调查事故原因。



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