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Operation Unified Assistance


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The powerful earthquake and assive tsunami waves that devastated a huge area of Southeast Asia and killed more than 250,000 persons on Dec. 26 triggered one of the most intensive and challenging humanitarian air operations since the Berlin Airlift, more than half a century earlier. US Air Force aircraft and crews flew most of the missions that carried relief supplies and equipment into the theater and a large percentage of the flights to distribute the materiel over the vast region affected by the tsunami waves. By the time the US contribution to Operation Unified Assistance (OUA) was closing down in early February, American aircraft had moved more than 18 million pounds of relief supplies and equipment and nearly 8,000 passengers into and around the tsunami disaster area, according to Maj. Gen. David A. Deptula, director of air and space operations for Pacific Air Forces.
机译:12月26日,强烈的地震和上升的海啸席卷东南亚大片地区,造成25万多人死亡,这是自半个多世纪前的柏林空运以来最密集,最具挑战性的人道主义空中行动之一。美国空军的飞机和机组人员执行了将救援物资和设备运送到战区的大部分任务,并执行了大部分飞行任务,将物资分发到受海啸影响的广大地区。据马杰说,到2月初美国对统一行动援助(OUA)的捐款停止发放时,美国飞机已经向海啸灾区及其周围地区运送了超过1800万磅的救援物资和设备以及近8000名乘客。太平洋空军航空和太空作战总监David A. Deptula将军。



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