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Why Airmen Don't Command


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Ms. Rebecca Grant's article in the March 2008 edition highlights a startling facet of the current defense establishment: the continued absence of Air Force general officers among the ranks of geographic combatant commanders ["Why Airmen Don't Command," p.46]. Unfortunately, her article is based on dated information, poor assumptions, and provides the reader with inaccurate and invalid conclusions. Ms. Grant concludes a conspiracy of tradition and emotion has kept the Air Force out of geographic commands. She further concludes that for the Air Force to effectively place its officers in these commands, it needs officers with a deep understanding of ground operations or regional expertise. In actuality, the only conspiracy is that senior defense leaders and the Joint Staff work together to glean the most qualified nominee from a field of exceptional candidates.
机译:丽贝卡·格兰特(Rebecca Grant)女士在2008年3月的文章中强调了当前国防机构的一个惊人方面:在地理作战指挥官的行列中,空军将军的继续缺席[“为什么空军不要指挥,” p.46]。不幸的是,她的文章基于过时的信息,错误的假设,并为读者提供了不准确和无效的结论。格兰特女士得出的结论是,传统和情感的共谋使空军脱离了地理指挥部门。她进一步得出结论,为使空军有效地将其官兵部署在这些司令部中,空军需要对地面作战或地区专长有深刻理解的军官。实际上,唯一的阴谋就是高级国防领导人和联合参谋部共同努力,从杰出候选人中选拔最合格的候选人。



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