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As the war in Afghanistan winds down, the Air Force will likely go back to a force rotation very much like it had in the 1990s, answering about the same level of demand for its capabilities as it did then, Chief of Staff Gen. Mark A. Welsh III said in a June interview. The Air and Space Expeditionary Force (AEF) model developed in the mid-'90s to cope with a rising series of back-to-back deployments-mostly to conduct the Northern and Southern Watch no-fly zones in Iraq. It had to be "modified" when the magnitude of the Afghanistan and second Iraq wars became apparent, Welsh said. "The AEF construct was never going to be able to maintain itself and support that contingency over a 12- or 13-year period," he explained. The AEF consequently had to be restructured multiple times, developing different time-deployed tracks for combat and mobility forces, and still other tracks for what were then called high-demand, low-density capabilities, such as combat search and rescue and AWACS. However, now that the American military involvement in Iraq is over-leaving practically no residual US forces there-and the Afghanistan drawdown is underway, Welsh said USAF can revisit the old rotational style of doing business.
机译:随着阿富汗战争的结束,空军很可能会恢复到1990年代的部队轮换,对其能力的需求与当时的参谋长马克·A将军的需求水平基本相同。威尔士三世在六月接受采访时说。航空航天远征部队(AEF)模型于90年代中期开发,以应对一系列不断增加的背靠背部署,主要是在伊拉克的北部和南部监视禁飞区。威尔士说,当阿富汗和第二次伊拉克战争的规模明显时,必须对其进行“修改”。他解释说:“ AEF架构永远无法在12年或13年的时间内维护自身并支持这种偶然性。”因此,必须对AEF进行多次重组,为战斗和机动部队开发不同的时间部署轨道,并为后来的所谓高需求,低密度能力开发其他轨道,例如战斗搜索和救援以及预警机。然而,由于威尔士说,由于美国在伊拉克的军事介入几乎没有留下任何剩余的美军,而且阿富汗的撤军正在进行中,所以美国空军可以重新考虑过去的轮流做生意。



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