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10 Tips for Preventing Refrigerant Leaks in Supermarket Systems


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Earlier this year, the Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA) released a report stating that several major U.S. supermarket chains were leaking significant amounts of HFC refrigerants into the atmosphere. According to the report, EIA investigated dozens of supermarkets in the greater Washington, D.C. area and, using infrared cameras, found that over half of the stores investigated were leaking refrigerant into refrigerated aisles. This may not be surprising to some, given that the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA's) GreenChill program has long reported that supermarkets have high rates of refrigerant leaks. Indeed, GreenChill has repeatedly noted that the typical supermarket has an annual leak rate of about 25%, which equates to about 1,000 pounds of leaked refrigerant every year. But leak rates do not need to be so high, as evidenced by participants in the voluntary GreenChill program, whose stores emit at least 65% less refrigerant than the average supermarket.
机译:今年早些时候,环境调查机构(EIA)发布了一份报告,指出了几个主要的美国超市连锁店泄露大量HFC制冷剂进入大气层。 根据该报告,EIA调查了大华盛顿州的数十名超市,D.C.地区,使用红外摄像机,发现超过一半的商店泄漏了制冷剂进入冷藏过道。 考虑到环境保护局(EPA)Greenchill计划长期报道,这对一些人来说,这可能并不令人惊讶的是,超市的制冷剂泄漏率很高。 实际上,Greenchill一再指出,典型的超市的年泄漏率约为25%,每年泄漏的制冷剂等同于约1,000磅。 但是,泄漏率不需要如此之高,这是由志愿Greenchill计划中的参与者证明,其商店的制冷剂的商店比平均超市的速度少65%。



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