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The argan tree (Argania spinosa) in Morocco: Propagation by seeds, cuttings and in-vitro techniques

机译:摩洛哥的摩洛哥坚果树(Argania spinosa):通过种子,插条和体外技术繁殖

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In South-western Morocco, the argan tree (Argania spinosa) is basis of a traditional agroforestry system. However, this system is no longer at equilibrium and there is an urgent need to renovate it. The natural reproduction of the tree has become difficult, and most attempts of artificial regeneration have failed. We have assessed three different propagation methods: seedlings, cuttings, and in-vitro micro-propagation. Our experiments, involving several seed collections, showed that germination occurred easily when using young (< 12 months) and large seeds (nut weight > 3 g). Nuts with thin walls germinated better than nuts with thicker walls. Sterilization prevented microbial contamination and improved germination. Vegetative propagation of the argan tree by cuttings was tried using lignified cuttings collected from adult trees or young stems from managed stockplants (three years old). Rooting rate seems to be dependent on genotype, and the best results were obtained from young stems sterilized to avoid fungal contamination. The success of in-vitro micro-propagation is also highly genotype-dependant. We developed a modified medium enabling up to 80–95% rooting rate for some clones. However, other clones were still recalcitrant. Whatever the propagation method used, special attention must be paid to the architecture and growth of the root system.
机译:在摩洛哥西南部,摩洛哥坚果树(Argania spinosa)是传统农林业系统的基础。但是,该系统不再处于平衡状态,迫切需要对其进行更新。树木的自然繁殖变得困难,大多数人工再生的尝试都失败了。我们评估了三种不同的繁殖方法:幼苗、,插和体外微繁。我们的实验涉及多个种子收集物,结果表明,使用幼龄(<12个月)和大种子(坚果重量> 3 g)时,发芽很容易发生。壁薄的坚果比壁厚的坚果发芽更好。灭菌可防止微生物污染并改善发芽。尝试使用采自成年树木或自有管理的植物(3岁)的幼茎收集的木质化插条,通过cutting插进行无性繁殖。生根率似乎与基因型有关,从消毒后的幼嫩茎中获得最佳结果可避免真菌污染。体外微繁的成功也高度依赖基因型。我们开发了一种改良的培养基,使某些克隆的生根率高达80–95%。但是,其他克隆仍然是顽强的。无论使用哪种传播方法,都必须特别注意根系统的体系结构和增长。



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