首页> 外文期刊>Agroforestry Systems >Production and Economics of Native Pecan Silvopastures in Central United States

Production and Economics of Native Pecan Silvopastures in Central United States


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Riverine silvopastoral practices with native pecan (Carya illinoinensis) are a suitable land use for areas subjected to seasonal flooding in southern and central regions of the United States. Nut, timber and forage production, and the economics of managed pecan silvopastures were examined in southeastern Kansas. During 1981–2000, annual hulled nut production varied between 50 and 1600 kg ha−1 in stands averaging 72 years of age, and ranging in density between 35 and 74 trees ha−1. The nut crop had a pattern of biennial bearing with some exceptions. Tree stem diameter and stand basal area increased linearly with time. Nut production was not related to stand age or tree density, however, suggesting that nut production had reached a steady state level. Merchantable timber yield ranged between 0.25 and 1.35 m3 ha−1 year−1. In pecan silvopastures with a mean tree age of 37 years, forage production varied between 1500 and 4600 kg DM ha−1 in 2001 and 2002. In 2001 only, grass production decreased with decreasing solar radiation within the range of 0.25–0.83 of fraction light transmitted. In both years, the grass understory had acceptable quality for cow-calf production with average crude protein content between 9 and 11.8%, and no evidence of excessive levels of ergoalkaloids from tall fescue. Twenty-seven vascular plants were identified in the understory of which nut sedge (Cyperus esculentus), tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea), wild oat (Avena fatua) and Canadian wild rye (Elymus canadensis) were the most abundant. Economic simulations obtained with the U.S. Agroforestry Estate Model indicated that pecan nut price is the main variable driving economic outputs under current production conditions. Annual cash flows from nut sales had smaller fluctuations than nut yields because of an inverse relation between nut price and yield. Improved timber production appears an option for increasing profitability of pecan silvopastures.
机译:在美国南部和中部地区,遭受山核桃(美洲山核桃)的河滨林牧方式是适合土地使用的地区。在堪萨斯州东南部,研究了坚果,木材和饲料的生产,以及管理的山核桃林牧草的经济性。在1981–2000年期间,平均72岁的林分中,每年的去壳坚果产量在50至1600 kg ha-1 之间变化,密度在35至74棵ha-1 之间。坚果作物有两年生的格局,但有一些例外。树干直径和林分基础面积随时间线性增加。坚果产量与林分年龄或树木密度无关,但这表明坚果产量已达到稳态。可销售的木材产量在0.25和1.35 m3 ha-1 year-1 之间。在2001年和2002年的平均树龄为37岁的山核桃林牧草中,牧草产量在1500至4600 kg DM ha-1 之间变化。仅在2001年,草产量随着太阳辐射的降低而下降,范围为0.25–透射0.83的分数光。在这两年中,草地下层的牛犊生产质量都可以接受,平均粗蛋白含量在9至11.8%之间,没有证据表明高羊茅中的人体生物碱含量过高。在其下层中鉴定出二十七种维管植物,其中坚果莎草(莎草),高羊茅(Festuca arundinacea),野燕麦(Avena fatua)和加拿大野生黑麦(Elymus canadensis)含量最高。通过美国农林业产业模型获得的经济模拟结果表明,山核桃仁价格是当前生产条件下推动经济产出的主要变量。由于坚果价格与产量之间存在反比关系,因此坚果销售产生的年度现金流量波动要小于坚果产量。改善木材产量似乎是增加山核桃林牧草获利能力的一种选择。



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