首页> 外文期刊>Agroforestry Systems >Soil compaction by grazing livestock in silvopastures as evidenced by changes in soil physical properties

Soil compaction by grazing livestock in silvopastures as evidenced by changes in soil physical properties


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Livestock, pasture, and timber trees are intimately interrelated in silvopastures. Most silvopasture research to date has focused on forage/animal/tree interactions, with less attention paid to animal/soil interactions in silvopastures. While a considerable body of work has been devoted to understanding the effects of livestock trampling on plants and soils in pastures, less has been done for livestock grazing in forests, and even less is available for silvopastures. Three replications of Douglas-fir forest, Douglas-fir/subclover pasture/sheep silvopasture, and subclover/sheep pasture were established in 1989 near Corvallis, Oregon USA. Pastures and silvopastures were grazed each spring during 1990–2001. These plots were sampled in 2002, after 11 years of grazing, and again in 2004 following 2 years without grazing. Soil in the silvopastures had 13% higher bulk density and 7% lower total porosity than those in adjacent forests in 2002. Most of the difference in total porosity was air-filled pores. Average water infiltration rate was 38% less in silvopastures than in forests, however total water stored in the top 6 cm of soil at field capacity was similar. Soil bulk density, total porosity, and air-filled pore space was similar for forests, pastures, and silvopastures after 2 years without livestock grazing. The infiltration rate of silvopasture soils in 2004 had increased to be similar to those of forests in 2002, however, forest soil infiltration rates also increased and continued to be higher than those of silvopastures. Plant production was not sensitive to changes in any of the soil parameters measured. Although livestock grazing did change soil infiltration rates, soil bulk density, and soil porosity, the effects were quickly reversed following cessation of grazing and had little detrimental effect on silvopasture forage or tree production.
机译:畜牧业中的牲畜,牧场和木材树木密切相关。迄今为止,大多数食牧动物的研究都集中在草料/动物/树木的相互作用上,而对食牧动物中动物/土壤相互作用的关注较少。尽管致力于研究牲畜践踏对牧场中植物和土壤的影响的工作量很大,但在森林中放牧牲畜的工作却很少,而对于森林牧草的工作则更少。 1989年在美国俄勒冈州科瓦利斯附近建立了道格拉斯冷杉森林,道格拉斯冷杉/三叶草/绵羊牧草和三叶草/绵羊草场的三个复制品。在1990-2001年的每个春季,都放牧了草场和牧草场。这些地块在放牧11年后于2002年进行了采样,而在放牧2年后又在2004年进行了采样。与2002年的森林相比,这些植被的土壤容重高13%,总孔隙率低7%。总孔隙率的大部分差异是充满空气的孔隙。森林植被的平均水分渗透率比森林降低了38%,但是在田间持水量下,土壤表层最高6 cm的总蓄水量相似。在没有放牧牲畜的情况下,两年后,森林,牧场和林牧区的土壤容重,总孔隙率和充满空气的孔隙空间相似。 2004年森林植被土壤的入渗率增加到与2002年的森林相似,但是,森林土壤土壤入渗率也增加了,并且继续高于森林植被。植物生产对任何测得的土壤参数的变化都不敏感。尽管放牧确实改变了土壤的入渗率,土壤容重和土壤孔隙度,但放牧停止后这种作用迅速逆转,对食牧草或树木的生产几乎没有不利影响。



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