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Vegetation dynamics in burnt heather-gorse shrublands under different grazing management with sheep and goats


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Vegetation dynamics in previously burnt shrublands dominated by gorse (Ulex gallii) in north-west Spain were studied during 4 years under different grazing managements with sheep (Gallega breed) and goats (Cashmere or local breed). Initially (Period 1), treatments consisted of sheep or goat grazing on four plots (two replicates). After two grazing seasons, the plots were split in two and the treatments were reversed in four of the subplots; sheep were placed in subplots previously grazed by goats and vice versa (Period 2). The results from Period 1 showed that goats control the regrowth of gorse (from 19.6 to 14.2% of cover) more effectively than sheep (17.8 to 27.0% cover; P < 0.05), favouring the increase in herbaceous plants (from 21.5 to 42.1% of cover under goat grazing and from 22.1 to 26.6% under sheep grazing; P < 0.01). In Period 2, after changing treatments, there was a clear effect of the previous management (P < 0.01), conditioning the dynamics of the different plant components. Where the same animal species were maintained for 4 years, the differences between sheep or goat grazing on gorse and herbaceous plant dynamics increased (24.4% of gorse and 35.2% of herbaceous plant cover under goat grazing vs 43.8% of gorse cover and 19.1% of herbaceous plant cover under sheep grazing). Animal species change buffered the differences between sheep and goats during the second Period.
机译:在不同的放牧管理下,对西班牙西北部以金雀花(Ulex gallii)为主的以前烧过的灌木丛的植被进行了为期4年的研究,研究对象是绵羊(Gallega品种)和山羊(羊绒或本地品种)。最初(阶段1),处理包括在四个地块(两次重复)上放牧绵羊或山羊。经过两个放牧季节后,将地块一分为二,并在四个子图中将处理反转。将绵羊放在先前由山羊放牧的子地上,反之亦然(期间2)。第1阶段的结果表明,山羊控制金雀花的生长(覆盖率从19.6%到14.2%)比绵羊(覆盖率17.8%到27.0%; P <0.05)更有效,有利于草本植物的生长(从21.5%到42.1%)山羊放牧覆盖率和绵羊放牧覆盖率的22.1至26.6%; P <0.01)。在第2阶段中,改变处理方式后,以前的处理方式具有明显效果(P <0.01),调节了不同植物成分的动态。在保持相同动物物种4年的情况下,放牧绵羊或山羊在金雀花和草食植物上的动态差异有所增加(在山羊放牧下,金雀花的占比为24.4%,草食植物的覆盖率为35.2%,而金雀花的覆盖率为43.8%,草食植物的占比为19.1%绵羊放牧下的草本植物覆盖)。在第二个时期,动物种类的变化缓冲了绵羊和山羊之间的差异。



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