首页> 外文期刊>Agroforestry Systems >Growth characteristics and allometry of Robinia pseudoacacia as a silvopastoral system component

Growth characteristics and allometry of Robinia pseudoacacia as a silvopastoral system component


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Demand for goat (Capra hircus) meat in the southeastern USA is steadily increasing as a result of preferences exhibited by ethnic communities. Feeding systems that include fodder trees can be developed to take advantage of the natural preference of goats for browse. Data were collected for 2 years on a 5-year old stand of Robinia pseudoacacia L. to evaluate growth characteristics for goat browse and to develop allometric relationships in a randomized complete block design (intra-row spacing 0.5 or 1 m and coppice height 0.25 or 0.50 m) replicated six times. Allometric equations were derived from destructive harvests of 68 trees. Main branch size was not affected by intra-row spacing when trees were coppiced at 0.25 m; however, when coppiced at 0.5 m, trees spaced at 1 m had more and larger branches (P < 0.05) than trees spaced at 0.5 m. Intra-row spacing did not influence tree herbage biomass when trees were spaced at 0.5 m whereas trees coppiced at 0.25 m and spaced at 1 m produced less woody and herbaceous biomass than trees spaced at 0.5 m (P < 0.05). A strong relationship (P < 0.0001) was found between tree herbage biomass and the number of main branches greater than 0.01 m (r 2 = 0.80). The results, based on growth characteristics and tree herbage biomass production, suggest that Robinia pseudoacacia L. would be an excellent candidate as a silvopastoral component in the southeastern USA.
机译:由于种族社区的偏好,美国东南部对山羊(Capra hircus)肉的需求稳定增长。可以开发包括饲料树的饲喂系统,以利用山羊的自然偏好进行浏览。在5岁的刺槐(Robinia pseudoacacia L.)林分上收集了2年的数据,以评估山羊浏览的生长特征,并以随机完整块设计(行内间距为0.5或1 m,矮矮树高度为0.25或0.25)建立了长短角关系。 0.50 m)复制了六次。异速方程来自68棵树木的破坏性收获。当树木在0.25 m处时,行内间距不受主枝大小的影响;但是,在距离为0.5 m的树上时,间隔为1 m的树比在距离为0.5 m的树上具有更多和更大的分支(P <0.05)。当行距为0.5 m时行间距不影响乔木的生物量,而行距为0.25 m且行距为1 m的树木产生的木质和草本生物量少于行距为0.5 m的树(P <0.05)。发现树木草本生物量与主要分支数大于0.01 m(r 2 = 0.80)之间存在很强的关系(P <0.0001)。基于生长特征和树木牧草生物量生产的结果表明,刺槐在美国东南部将是林牧组合的极佳候选者。



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