首页> 外文期刊>Agroforestry Systems >Crown area allometries for estimation of aboveground tree biomass in agricultural landscapes of western Kenya

Crown area allometries for estimation of aboveground tree biomass in agricultural landscapes of western Kenya


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Classical allometries determine biomass from measurements of diameter at breast height or volume. Neither of these measurements is currently possible to be derived directly from remote sensing. As biomass estimates at larger scales require remotely sensed data, new allometric relations are required using crown area and/or tree height as predictor of biomass, which can both be derived from remote sensing. Allometric equations were developed from 72 trees semi-randomly selected for destructive sampling in three 100 km2 sentry sites in western Kenya. The equations developed fit the data well with about 85 % of the observed variation in aboveground biomass explained by crown area. Addition of height and wood density as second predictor variables improved model fit by 6 and 2 % and lowered the relative error by 7 and 2 %, respectively. The equation with crown area in combination with height and wood density estimated representative aboveground biomass carbon to be about 20.8 ± 0.02 t C ha−1; which is about 19 % more than the amount estimated using an allometry with diameter at breast height as predictor. These results form the basis for a new generation of allometries using crown area as a predictor of aboveground biomass in agricultural landscapes. Biomass predictions using crown area should be supported by height and wood density and the application of crown area equations for remote sensing based up-scaling should consider crown interactions with competing or coexisting neighboring trees.
机译:经典的异速测量法根据乳房高度或体积的直径测量值确定生物量。这些测量值目前都不可能直接从遥感中得出。由于较大规模的生物量估计需要遥感数据,因此需要使用树冠面积和/或树高作为生物量的预测因子,这两者都可以从遥感中得出,因此需要新的异度关系。在肯尼亚西部三个100 km2的哨点中,从半随机选择的72棵树木进行破坏性采样的过程中建立了异速方程。所开发的方程式非常适合数据,其中约85%的观测到的地上生物量变化由树冠面积解释。增加身高和木材密度作为第二个预测变量,分别使模型拟合提高了6%和2%,相对误差分别降低了7%和2%。冠面积与高度和木材密度相结合的方程估计地上生物量碳约为20.8±0.02 t C ha-1 ;这比使用以身高处的直径作为预测指标的异速测量法估算的量高出约19%。这些结果为使用冠面积作为农业景观中地上生物量的预测指标的新一代异相测量奠定了基础。使用树冠面积的生物量预测应得到高度和木材密度的支持,并且将树冠面积方程式应用于基于遥感的放大比例时,应考虑树冠与竞争树或相邻树的相互作用。



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