首页> 外文期刊>Agroforestry Systems >The population dynamics and productivity of Acacia pennatula in the pasturelands of the Nature Reserve Mesas de Moropotente, Estelí, Nicaragua

The population dynamics and productivity of Acacia pennatula in the pasturelands of the Nature Reserve Mesas de Moropotente, Estelí, Nicaragua

机译:尼加拉瓜埃斯泰利自然保护区Mesas de Moropotente自然保护区牧场的相思树种群动态和生产力

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Acacia pennatula trees are the most conspicuous woody species in the pasturelands of the Nature Reserve Mesas de Moropotente, Estelí, Nicaragua. Cattle ranchers keep A. pennatula because it produces fence posts, forage (pods) and firewood. A population projection matrix model was developed to: (1) estimate the sustainable harvest (H) of fence posts at different tree population densities, (2) explore the range of recruitment (R), and survival and growth of both saplings and small poles compatible with current population density, and (3) determine how much carbon is stored in the soil-pasture-tree system. Acacia pennatula trees take 40 years to reach H size (D30 ≥ 30 cm). Estimated sustainable H from current tree population density is 1.8l7 trees ha−1 year−1, yielding 2.8 large and 11.2 regular size fence posts ha−1 year−1. This annual output easily satisfies the needs of a typical 100 ha cattle ranch in the study area. Current population density is congruent with very low R (<100 saplings ha−1 year−1), very low survival rates (<0.30%) and/or retarded D30 growth of saplings and small poles. Total carbon in tree biomass was only 37 Mg ha−1. Cattle ranchers have learned to harness the invasive nature of the species to obtain valuable tree products for farm use or sale.
机译:相思树是尼加拉瓜埃斯泰利自然保护区Mesas de Moropotente自然保护区牧场中最明显的木本物种。牛牧场主保留了A. pennatula,因为它会产生围栏,草料(荚)和木柴。建立了人口预测矩阵模型,以:(1)估计不同树木种群密度下栅栏桩的可持续采伐(H),(2)探索树苗和小杆子的募集范围(R)以及生存和生长与当前的人口密度相适应,(3)确定土壤-草木系统中存储了多少碳。相思树需要40年才能达到H尺寸(D 30 ≥30 cm)。根据目前的树木种群密度估算的可持续H为1.8l7棵树 sup> -1 年 -1 ,产生2.8个大树篱和11.2个常规大小的栅栏ha -1 year -1 。这个年产量很容易满足研究区域内典型的100公顷牛场的需求。当前的人口密度与R非常低(<100树苗ha -1 年 -1 ),生存率非常低(<0.30%)和/或D < sub> 30 生长的树苗和小杆子。树木生物量中的总碳仅为37 Mg ha -1 。牛牧场主学会了利用物种的侵入性来获取有价值的树木产品,以供农场使用或出售。



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