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Pre-dispersal seed predation of Faidherbia albida in the Central Rift Valley of Ethiopia


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Faidherbia albida is an indigenous tree species in Ethiopia and utilized by farmers in various ways. It is an ideal agroforestry tree in several tropical countries. Pre-dispersal seed predation of F. albida was investigated in the central Rift Valley of Ethiopia, Awassa. The objective of the study was to identify seed predators associated with F. albida and determine the level of damage exerted on seed germination. Matured pods of non-burst seeds were collected and used for collecting seed predators. Furthermore, seeds from these pods were collected, categorized into infested and non-infested seeds, and allowed to germinate under different treatments. Both Bruchidius cadei n.sp. and Bruchidius auratopubens n.sp. emerged from seeds of F. albida. These bruchids infested about 27 % of seeds. Predation and subsequent fungal infestation had reduced the seed viability and performance of seed germination among infested seeds. Therefore, these predators have practical implications because of their negative contribution to the regeneration of F. albida trees across growing regions.
机译:Faidherbia albida是埃塞俄比亚的一种本地树种,农民以各种方式加以利用。它是一些热带国家的理想农林树。在Awassa的埃塞俄比亚中部裂谷中研究了F. albida的预分散种子捕食。这项研究的目的是确定与白喉念珠菌有关的种子天敌,并确定对种子发芽的损害程度。收集未破裂种子的成熟豆荚,并用于收集种子天敌。此外,从这些豆荚中收集种子,将其分为受感染和未受感染的种子,并在不同处理下使其发芽。两个布鲁基迪斯学院。和Bruchidius auratopubens n.sp.从F. albida的种子出来。这些bruchids侵染了大约27%的种子。捕食和随后的真菌侵染降低了被侵染种子的种子活力和种子发芽性能。因此,这些捕食者因其对整个生长地区的白喉念珠菌树的再生具有负面作用而具有实际意义。



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