首页> 外文期刊>Agroforestry Systems >Shrub encroachment of Iberian dehesas: implications on total forage productivity

Shrub encroachment of Iberian dehesas: implications on total forage productivity


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The Iberian dehesa, a grazed Mediterranean open woodland, is an outstanding example of a silvopastoral system. Shrub encroachment has been proposed as an effective method to facilitate natural tree regeneration and ensure the sustainability of silvopastoral systems. At the same time, shrubs can affect both pasture understory and tree overstory production. The effects of varying intensities of shrub encroachment on the productivity of four forage components of this system—pasture, acorns, shrub browse and tree browse—were tested and the overall metabolisable energy (ME) under different scenarios of vegetation structure was calculated. Two common shrub species with contrasting plant architectures and ecological functions were studied as models: Cistus ladanifer and Retama sphaerocarpa. Cistus negatively affected acorn, tree browse and pasture production, whereas Retama positively affected pasture and browse production and was neutral for acorn production. The highest ME values were found when tree cover was ca. 70 % and C. ladanifer cover was low or R. sphaerocarpa cover was medium. The authors recommend conserving and promoting patched three-layered plots in Iberian dehesas and similar extensive silvopastoral systems where certain shrub species could simultaneously encourage the sustainability of these systems and reinforce (with R. sphaerocarpa) or maintain (with C. ladanifer) their productivity.
机译:伊比利亚dehesa是一片放牧的地中海开放林地,是林牧系统的杰出典范。灌木丛入侵已被提议为促进天然树木再生并确保林牧系统可持续性的有效方法。同时,灌木会影响草场下层和树木上层的产量。测试了灌木丛侵害强度的变化对该系统的四个草料组成部分(牧草,橡子,灌木丛浏览和树状浏览)的生产力的影响,并计算了不同植被结构情景下的总代谢能(ME)。研究了两种具有相反植物结构和生态功能的常见灌木物种:Cistus ladanifer和Retama sphaerocarpa。 Cistus对橡子,树木浏览和牧场生产产生负面影响,而Retama对草和浏览产品产生正面影响,对橡子生产持中立态度。当树的覆盖率约为时,发现ME值最高。 70%的C. ladanifer覆盖率很低,或球形的R. sphaerocarpa覆盖率中等。作者建议在伊比利亚德赫萨斯州和类似的广泛的林牧系统中保护和促进斑块状的三层地块,其中某些灌木物种可以同时鼓励这些系统的可持续性并增强(用球形鳞茎)或维持(用拉美梭菌)生产力。



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