首页> 外文期刊>African Archaeological Review >The Upper Palaeolithic Lithic Industry of Nazlet Khater 4 (Egypt): Implications for the Stone Age/Palaeolithic of Northeastern Africa

The Upper Palaeolithic Lithic Industry of Nazlet Khater 4 (Egypt): Implications for the Stone Age/Palaeolithic of Northeastern Africa

机译:Nazlet Khater 4(埃及)的上古旧石器时代的岩性工业:对东北非洲石器时代/旧石器时代的启示

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Between Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 4 and 2, Northeast Africa witnessed migrations of Homo sapiens into Eurasia. Within the context of the aridification of the Sahara, the Nile Valley probably offered a very attractive corridor into Eurasia. This region and this period are therefore central for the (pre)history of the out-of-Africa peopling of modern humans. However, there are very few sites from the beginning of the Upper Palaeolithic that document these migration events. In Egypt, the site of Nazlet Khater 4 (NK4), which is related to ancient H. sapiens quarrying activities, is one of them. Its lithic assemblage shows an important laminar component, and this, associated with its chronological position (ca. 33 ka), means that the site is the most ancient Upper Palaeolithic sites of this region. The detailed study of the Nazlet Khater 4 lithic material shows that blade production (volumetric reduction) is also associated with flake production (surface reduction). This technological duality addresses the issue of direct attribution of NK4 to the Upper Palaeolithic.
机译:在海洋同位素阶段4和2之间,东北非洲目睹了智人向欧亚大陆的迁移。在撒哈拉沙漠干旱的背景下,尼罗河谷可能为进入欧亚大陆提供了一个非常诱人的走廊。因此,这个地区和这个时期对于非洲以外的现代人的(史前)历史至关重要。但是,从上旧石器时代开始以来,很少有站点记录这些迁移事件。在埃及,与古代人鱼采石活动有关的纳兹莱特·卡特4(NK4)遗址就是其中之一。它的石器组合显示出重要的层状成分,这与它的年代顺序(约33 ka)有关,意味着该遗址是该地区最古老的上古石器遗址。对Nazlet Khater 4片状材料的详细研究表明,叶片的产生(体积减少)也与薄片的产生(表面减少)有关。这种技术上的双重性解决了NK4直接归属于旧石器时代的问题。



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