首页> 外文期刊>IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems >Observability analysis of piece-wise constant systems. II. Application to inertial navigation in-flight alignment (military applications)

Observability analysis of piece-wise constant systems. II. Application to inertial navigation in-flight alignment (military applications)


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For pt.I see ibid., vol.28, no.4, p.1056-67, Oct. 1992. The method of analyzing the observability of time-varying linear systems as piecewise constant systems (PWCS) is applied to the analysis of in-flight alignment (IFA) of inertial navigation systems (INS) whose estimability is known to be enhanced by maneuvers. The validity of this approach to the analysis of IFA is proven. The analysis lays the theoretical background to, and clearly demonstrates the observability enhancement of, IFA. The analytic conclusions are confirmed by covariance simulations. Although INS IFA was handled to various degrees in the past, a comprehensive control theoretic approach to the problem is introduced. The analysis yields practical conclusions and a procedure previously unknown.
机译:关于pt,我参见同上,第28卷,第4期,第1056-67页,1992年10月。分析时变线性系统作为分段常数系统(PWCS)的可观测性的方法惯性导航系统(INS)的空中对准(IFA)的估计,其可估计性通过操纵得以增强。验证了这种方法对IFA进行分析的有效性。该分析为IFA奠定了理论基础,并清楚地证明了IFA的可观察性增强。通过协方差仿真证实了分析结论。尽管过去曾对INS IFA进行过不同程度的处理,但仍引入了针对该问题的综合控制理论方法。分析得出实用结论和以前未知的程序。



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