首页> 外文期刊>IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems >Super resolution time delay estimation via MODE-WRELAX

Super resolution time delay estimation via MODE-WRELAX


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We consider estimating time delays and amplitudes (real- or complex-valued) from the superposition of very closely spaced signals with known shapes. The well-known high resolution MODE (Method Of Direction Estimation) algorithm, which was originally proposed for angle estimation in array processing, is modified and used with our efficient time delay estimation method WRELAX (Weighted Fourier transform and RELAXation based) algorithm to deal with this problem. The proposed method is referred to as MODE-WRELAX. MODE-WRELAX provides better accuracy than MODE and higher resolution than WRELAX. Moreover, it can be used for both complex- and real-valued signals (including those with highly oscillatory correlation functions). Numerical results show that the MODE-WRELAX estimates can approach the corresponding Cramer-Rao bound. Efficient implementation of the algorithm is also discussed
机译:我们考虑根据已知形状的非常紧密间隔的信号的叠加来估计时间延迟和幅度(实值或复值)。最初提出用于阵列处理中的角度估计的著名高分辨率MODE(方向估计方法)算法经过修改,并与我们的高效时延估计方法WRELAX(基于加权傅里叶变换和RELAXation)算法一起使用,以应对这个问题。提出的方法称为MODE-WRELAX。 MODE-WRELAX比MODE提供更好的精度,并且比WRELAX提供更高的分辨率。此外,它可用于复数值和实数值信号(包括具有高振荡相关函数的信号)。数值结果表明,MODE-WRELAX估计值可以接近相应的Cramer-Rao边界。还讨论了算法的有效实现



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