首页> 外文期刊>Aerospace and Electronic Systems, IEEE Transactions on >Efficient Real-Time Generation of Bit-Wise Parallel Representations of Oversampled Carrier Replicas

Efficient Real-Time Generation of Bit-Wise Parallel Representations of Oversampled Carrier Replicas


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An algorithm has been developed that efficiently generates in-phase and quadrature carrier replicas over a range of Doppler shift frequencies and initial phase offsets. This algorithm provides a new method that aids in bit-wise parallel baseband mixing of signals in software radios, specifically targeted at GNSS radios. Bit-wise parallel correlation, of which one step is baseband mixing, provides a processing time speed-up when correlating signals that are digitized to a low number of bits, as opposed to the standard multiply-and-accumulate correlation. The new algorithm makes use of the small phase differences between a set of signals that have a large ratio of the IF to the Doppler shift frequency. It uses specially-designed look-up tables to generate carrier replicas on-the-fly. This new algorithm can efficiently generate bit-packed carrier replicas using a small look-up table (10–100 s of kBytes).
机译:已经开发出一种算法,可以在一定范围的多普勒频移和初始相位偏移范围内有效地生成同相和正交载波副本。该算法提供了一种新方法,可帮助软件无线电中的信号按位并行基带混合,特别是针对GNSS无线电。与标准的乘加累加相关相反,按位并行相关(其中一个步骤是基带混合)在将数字化的信号进行相关处理时,可以提高处理时间。新算法利用了中频与多普勒频移比大的一组信号之间的小相位差。它使用专门设计的查找表来即时生成运营商副本。这种新算法可以使用小的查找表(10–100 s kBytes)有效地生成位打包的载波副本。



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