首页> 外文期刊>Aerospace and Electronic Systems, IEEE Transactions on >MDA-Based Data Association with Prior Track Information for Passive Multitarget Tracking

MDA-Based Data Association with Prior Track Information for Passive Multitarget Tracking


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An assignment-based solution for the data association problem in synchronous passive multisensor (Type 3) tracking systems involves two steps: first measurement-to-measurement or static association is solved using a multidimensional ($S$-dimensional or $S$-D with $S$ sensors) assignment, and then measurement-to-track association is solved using a 2-D assignment. This solution is computationally very expensive and, to rectify an efficient $(S+1)$-D assignment algorithm has been proposed in the literature. Two new assignment-based algorithms are proposed that use prior track information (i.e., predicted state and covariance) which result in improved tracking performance compared with the existing solutions, while requiring considerably less computations. One of the proposed algorithms, the gated assignment, is similar to the two-step solution mentioned above except that it uses prior track information and avoids the need to consider all possible association hypotheses in the static association step. The second algorithm, the gated $(S+1)$-D assignment, combines the gated assignment and the $(S+1)$-D algorithms. An approximation to the $(S+1)$-D algorithm is also derived when sensor measurements are independent, which results in an extremely fast solution. Simulation results confirm that the proposed algorithms show improved tracking performance and faster execution times.
机译:同步无源多传感器(类型3)跟踪系统中数据分配问题的基于分配的解决方案包括两个步骤:首先使用多维($ S $维或$ S $ -D)解决测量与测量或静态关联的问题。 (带有$ S $传感器)分配,然后使用2D分配解决测量与跟踪的关联。该解决方案在计算上非常昂贵,并且为了纠正有效的$(S + 1)$-D分配算法,已在文献中提出。提出了两种新的基于分配的算法,这些算法使用先前的跟踪信息(即,预测状态和协方差),与现有解决方案相比,其改进了跟踪性能,同时所需的计算量也大大减少。所提出的算法之一,即门控分配,与上面提到的两步式解决方案相似,不同之处在于它使用了先验轨道信息,并且避免了在静态关联步骤中考虑所有可能的关联假设的需要。第二种算法是门控$(S + 1)$-D分配,它结合了门控分配和$(S + 1)$-D算法。当传感器测量独立时,也可以推导出$(S + 1)$-D算法的近似值,这将导致非常快速的解决方案。仿真结果证实了所提出的算法显示出改进的跟踪性能和更快的执行时间。



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