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Fungal contaminants of indoor air in the National Library of Greece


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The presence of fungal particulate matter in libraries air is a key issue due to its dual impact on the valuable artifacts and on humans. Indoor air fungal composition has been investigated with a volumetric culture-based method only once before in a National Library. The qualitative and quantitative spatiotemporal fluctuations of airborne fungi were evaluated in the National Library of Greece. A portable Burkard sampler was used for the collection of air samples onto Petri dishes with MA2%. Totally, 33 genera of fungi were recovered and identified, with Cladosporium, Penicillium and Aspergillus dominant in indoor air. The genus Aspergillus, in particular, was studied by morphological and molecular analysis, and the prevalent species were assigned to the sections Nidulantes, Nigri and Circumdati. The concentration range of fungal aerosol was 0-2368 CFU/m(3) in the first study period and 0-3183 CFU/m(3) in the second study period indoors and 51-1997 CFU/m(3) outdoors. The mean concentration in indoor air, depending on the site, ranged from 180 to 410 CFU/m(3) in the first period and 210-405 CFU/m(3) in the second versus 678 CFU/m(3) and 516 CFU/m(3), respectively, outdoors. The indoor/outdoor concentration ratio (I/O) was 0.5 for total fungi, 0.3 for Cladosporium, 1.1 for Penicillium and 1.4 for Aspergillus. The higher spore concentration and diversity of the genera Penicillium and Aspergillus indoors and the occurrence of less common genera suggest the existence of internal emission sources. The characterization of the fungal community dynamic patterns is an important tool for implementing targeted preventive measures for human safety and conservation of the valuable documentary heritage.
机译:由于其对宝贵工件和人类的双重影响,图书馆空气中真菌颗粒物质的存在是关键问题。在国家图书馆之前仅使用体积培养的方法进行了室内空气真菌组合物。希腊国家图书馆评估了空气中真菌的定性和定量时尚波动。便携式乌布尔德采样器用于收集空气样品到带有MA2%的培养皿上。完全,回收33个属的真菌,并鉴定了囊孢子,青霉菌和曲霉在室内空气中显着。特别是通过形态学和分子分析研究了曲霉属,并且将普遍的物种分配给萜醛,nigri和循环段。在第一次研究期间,真菌气溶胶的浓度范围为0-2368 cfu / m(3),在户内的第二个研究期间和51-1997 Cfu / m(3)中的0-3183 cfu / m(3)。室内空气中的平均浓度,根据该部位,在第一个时期和210-405 CFU / M(3)中的180至410 cfu / m(3)与678 cfu / m(3)和516 CFU / m(3)分别在户外。总体真菌的室内/室外浓度比(I / O)为0.5,夹孢子孢子0.3,1.1针对青霉素,1.4曲霉。孢子浓度较高和白细胞和曲霉的多样性和较少的常见属性的发生表明存在内部排放来源。真菌群落动态模式的表征是实施人类安全和保护宝贵纪录片遗产的有针对性的预防措施的重要工具。



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