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Clinical update of the AS04-Adjuvanted human Papillomavirus-16/18 cervical cancer vaccine, cervarix®


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Persistent infection with human papillomavirus (HPV) is a necessary cause of cervical cancer, resulting annually in 274,000 deaths worldwide. Two prophylactic HPV vaccines are licensed in >100 countries, and immunization programs in young, adolescent girls have been widely implemented. HPV-16/18 AS04-adjuvanted vaccine (Cervarix®; GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals, Rixensart, Belgium) has demonstrated type-specific protection against the five most frequent cancer-causing types (16, 18, 31, 33, and 45) that are responsible for 82% of invasive cervical cancers globally. Cervarix® has demonstrated efficacy against HPV-45, which is the third most common HPV type in cervical cancer and adenocarcinoma. Final results of a large phase 3 trial recently showed Cervarix® substantially reduced the overall burden of cervical precancerous lesions (cervical intraepithelial neoplasia 2+) by 70.2% in an HPV-naïve population approximating young girls prior to sexual debut, the target of most current vaccination programs. Protection offered by Cervarix® against nonvaccine types (mainly 31, 33, and 45) might potentially allow for 11%–16% additional protection against cervical cancers, compared to a vaccine only offering protection against HPV-16/18. Another recent study directly compared the antibody response of Cervarix® to that of quadrivalent HPV-6/11/16/18 vaccine (Gardasil®; Merck, Whitehouse Station, NJ, USA). Cervarix® induced significantly superior neutralizing antibody levels as compared with Gardasil® for HPV-16 and HPV-18 in all age groups studied. This may translate into more women having detectable (neutralizing) antibodies in cervicovaginal secretions for HPV-16 and HPV-18 after vaccination with Cervarix® when compared with Gardasil®. Cervarix® induced significantly higher frequencies of antigen-specific memory B-cells and T-cells in responders for HPV-16 and HPV-18 as compared with Gardasil®. Cervarix® continues to show sustained high levels of total and neutralizing antibodies for HPV-16 and HPV-18, 7.3 years after vaccination. This is associated with high efficacy and no breakthrough cases in the HPV-naïve population, and is the longest duration follow-up for safety, immunogenicity, and efficacy for any licensed HPV vaccine to date.
机译:持续感染人乳头瘤病毒(HPV)是宫颈癌的必要原因,每年导致全世界274,000例死亡。两种预防性HPV疫苗已在100多个国家/地区获得许可,并且已经广泛实施了针对年轻少女的免疫计划。 HPV-16 / 18 AS04辅助疫苗(Cervarix®; GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals,比利时里克森萨特)已证明对五种最常见的致癌类型(16、18、31、33和45)具有特异性保护作用全球82%的浸润性宫颈癌中。 Cervarix®已显示出抗HPV-45的功效,HPV-45是宫颈癌和腺癌中第三大最常见的HPV类型。最近一项大型3期试验的最终结果显示,在未出现HPV的年轻女孩中,Cervarix®大大降低了宫颈癌前病变(子宫颈上皮内瘤样增生2+)的总体负担,降低了70.2%,这是最新研究的目标疫苗接种计划。与仅提供针对HPV-16 / 18的疫苗相比,Cervarix®提供的针对非疫苗类型(主要是31、33和45)的保护可能会为宫颈癌提供11%–16%的额外保护。另一项最新研究直接比较了Cervarix®与四价HPV-6 / 11/16/18疫苗的抗体反应(Gardasil®;默克公司,美国新泽西州怀特豪斯站)。在所有研究的年龄组中,与Gardasil®相比,Cervarix®诱导的中和抗体水平明显优于Gardasil®。与Gardasil®相比,在接种Cervarix®后,这可能会导致更多女性在宫颈阴道分泌物中检测到HPV-16和HPV-18抗体(中和)。与Gardasil®相比,Cervarix®在HPV-16和HPV-18应答者中诱导抗原特异性记忆B细胞和T细胞的频率明显更高。接种疫苗后7.3年,Cervarix®继续显示出针对HPV-16和HPV-18的持续高水平的总抗体和中和抗体。这与在未感染过HPV的人群中具有高疗效且无突破性病例相关,并且是迄今为止对任何许可的HPV疫苗进行安全性,免疫原性和有效性最长的随访。



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