首页> 外文期刊>Advanced Functional Materials >Synthesis of Monodisperse FeAu Nanoparticles with Tunable Magnetic and Optical Properties

Synthesis of Monodisperse FeAu Nanoparticles with Tunable Magnetic and Optical Properties


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Monodisperse FeAu nanoparticles can be synthesized via the reduction of gold acetate by 1,2-hexadecanediol and the thermal decomposition of iron pentacarbonyl in the presence of the stabilizers oleic acid and oleylamine. The effects of composition, reaction time, and reaction temperature on their size, structure, and optical and magnetic properties are studied. It is found that the incorporation of Au into Fe nanoparticles leads to a structural change from body-centered cubic (bcc) to face-centered cubic (fcc). The size of the particles decreases with increasing reaction time and temperature because of atom rearrangement, and varies with the Au/Fe molar ratio as a result of the faster reduction rate of gold acetate compared with the decomposition rate of iron pentacarbonyl and the associated changes in nucleation and growth processes. The resultant FeAu nanoparticles possess the optical properties of Au nanoparticles and the magnetic properties of Fe nanoparticles. Their characteristic absorption bands, in the visible light range, become broader with decreasing Au/Fe molar ratio or increasing reaction time and temperature. Also, they are red-shifted with decreasing the Au content and blue-shifted with increasing reaction time. In addition, the particles are nearly superparamagnetic. With the increase in the Au/Fe molar ratio, their blocking temperature and coercivity increase while the saturation magnetization and remnant magnetization decrease. They can be self-assembled into parallel stripes in the direction of an applied magnetic field.
机译:单分散的FeAu纳米粒子可以通过在1,2-十六烷二醇中还原乙酸金和在稳定剂油酸和油胺的存在下热分解五羰基铁来合成。研究了组成,反应时间和反应温度对其尺寸,结构以及光学和磁性的影响。发现将Au掺入Fe纳米颗粒导致从体心立方(bcc)到面心立方(fcc)的结构变化。由于原子重排,随着反应时间和温度的增加,颗粒尺寸减小,并且由于乙酸金的还原速率比五羰基铁的分解速率更快,并且金/铁的摩尔比发生变化,因此金/铁摩尔比也随之变化。成核和生长过程。所得的FeAu纳米颗粒具有Au纳米颗粒的光学性质和Fe纳米颗粒的磁性。随着Au / Fe摩尔比的降低或反应时间和温度的升高,它们在可见光范围内的特征吸收带变得更宽。同样,随着Au含量的降低,它们发生红移,而随着反应时间的增加,它们发生蓝移。另外,颗粒几乎是超顺磁性的。随着Au / Fe摩尔比的增加,它们的阻断温度和矫顽力增加,而饱和磁化强度和剩余磁化强度降低。它们可以在施加磁场的方向上自组装成平行条纹。



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