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Realizing a Rechargeable High-Performance Cu-Zn Battery by Adjusting the Solubility of Cu~(2+)


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Rechargeable aqueous Zn-based batteries show great potential for energy storage systems due to their good reliability, low cost, environmental friendliness, etc. However, the capacity of the most studied Mn-, V-, and Prussian blue analog-based Zn-ion batteries (the type with Zn2+ insertion) and the other type Zn-based batteries without Zn2+ insertion (such as metal Ag and Ni or Co oxides/hydroxides) does not exceed 400 mAh g(-1). Cu is a promising cathode with a high theoretical capacity of 844 mAh g(-1) based on its unique two-electron transfer process (Cu-0 <-> Cu2+), but Cu-Zn batteries have been impractical to recharge since they was invented by Daniell in 1836. By adjusting the solubility of Cu2+ in an alkaline solution, a rechargeable high-performance Cu-Zn battery is achieved. A high specific capacity of 718 mAh g(-1) is obtained for the prepared Cu clusters. Moreover, commercial Cu foil is explored for direct use as the cathode material and shows high capacity and stability through a simple self-activation process. This rechargeable Cu-Zn battery is attractive for application due to its high capacity, simple synthesis method, environmental friendliness, and low cost.
机译:可充电水性锌基电池由于其良好的可靠性,低成本,环境友好等优点,在储能系统中显示出巨大潜力。然而,研究最多的锰,钒和普鲁士蓝类似物锌离子的容量电池(带有Zn2 +插入的类型)和其他没有Zn2 +插入的基于Zn的电池(例如金属Ag和Ni或Co氧化物/氢氧化物)不超过400 mAh g(-1)。铜是一种很有前途的阴极,基于其独特的双电子转移过程(Cu-0 <-> Cu2 +),其理论容量高达844 mAh g(-1),但是Cu-Zn电池由于不适合充电而无法进行充电。由Daniell在1836年发明。通过调节Cu2 +在碱性溶液中的溶解度,获得了可充电的高性能Cu-Zn电池。对于制备的铜团簇,可获得高比容量718 mAh g(-1)。此外,已开发出可直接用作阴极材料的商品化铜箔,并通过简单的自活化过程显示出高容量和稳定性。这种可充电铜锌电池具有容量大,合成方法简单,环境友好和成本低等优点,因此很受应用欢迎。



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