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Temperature Dependent n-Type Self Doping in Nominally 19-Electron Half-Heusler Thermoelectric Materials


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The discovery of a semiconducting ground state X(y)YZ (y = 0.8 or 0.75) in nominally 19-electron half-Heusler materials warrants a closer look at their apparently metallic properties that often make them good thermoelectric (TE) materials. By systematically investigating the temperature dependence of off-stoichiometry (x) in V0.8+xCoSb, Nb0.8+xCoSb, and Ti0.75+xNiSb it is found that x invariably increases with increasing temperature, leading to an n-type self-doping behavior. In addition, there is also a large phase width (range of x) associated with each phase that is temperature dependent. Thus, unlike in typical 18-electron half-Heuslers (e,g, TiNiSn), the temperature dependence of vacancy and carrier concentration (n) in nominally 19-electron half-Heuslers links its transport properties to synthesis conditions. The temperature dependence of x and n are understood using density functional theory based defect energies (E-d) and phase diagrams. E-d are calculated for 21 systems which can be used in predicting solubility in this family of compounds. Using this simple strategy, suitable composition and temperature synthesis conditions are devised for obtaining an optimized n to engineer TE properties in phase-pure V0.8+xCoSb, and the previously unexplored Ta0.8+xCoSb.
机译:在标称19电子半霍斯勒材料中发现半导电基态X(y)YZ(y = 0.8或0.75),需要仔细研究它们的表观金属特性,这些特性通常使它们成为良好的热电(TE)材料。通过系统地研究V0.8 + xCoSb,Nb0.8 + xCoSb和Ti0.75 + xNiSb中非化学计量比(x)的温度依赖性,发现x随温度升高而不变地增加,从而导致n型自我掺杂行为。另外,还存在与温度相关的每个相相关的较大的相宽度(x的范围)。因此,与典型的18电子半霍斯勒(例如TiNiSn)不同,名义上19电子半霍斯勒中空位和载流子浓度(n)的温度依赖性将其传输特性与合成条件联系起来。使用基于密度泛函理论的缺陷能(E-d)和相图可以了解x和n的温度依赖性。针对21个系统计算E-d,可用于预测该化合物家族的溶解度。使用这种简单的策略,设计了合适的组成和温度合成条件,以获得优化的n来工程化纯V0.8 + xCoSb和以前未开发的Ta0.8 + xCoSb中的TE特性。



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